Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman
Professor at Florida International University
Books and National Academy Reports
THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL RIP CURRENT SYMPOSIUM (with Jung Lyul Lee and Jooyong Lee, editors), Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 72, 2014, 195 p.
FIELD GUIDE TO THE WATER’S EDGE (with Jack Williams), National Geographic Society, Washington, DC, 2012, 335 p (subscriber’s edition).
RIP CURRENTS: BEACH SAFETY, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND WAVE MODELING (with John Fletemeyer, editors), CRC Press International, 2011, 277 pp.
HURRICANES, World Life Library, London, England (with Jack Williams), 2008, 72pp.
BEACH VACATION TRAVEL JOURNAL, 2002, AAA National Office, Heathrow, FL, 80 pp.
SEA LEVEL RISE: HISTORY AND CONSEQUENCES, Academic Press, New York (with B. Douglas and M. Kearney, editors), 2001, 228 pp.
COASTAL EROSION MAPPING AND MANAGEMENT, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 28 (with M. Crowell, editors), 1999, 196 pp.
AMERICA’S BEST BEACHES, Laboratory for Coastal Research, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 1998, 112 pp. (Distributed by University Press of Florida).
ISLAND STATES AT RISK: GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE, POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 24, editor, 1997, 242 pp.
POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF ACCELERATED SEA-LEVEL RISE ON DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 14 (with R. Nicholls, editors), 1995, 323 pp.
MANAGING COASTAL EROSION, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. (with others), 1990, 182 pp.
CAPE COD: FROM GLACIERS TO BEACHES, Laboratory for Coastal Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 1988, 132 pp.
RESPONDING TO CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL: ENGINEERING IMPLICATIONS, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. (with others), 1987, 148 pp.
REMOTE SENSING LABORATORY MANUAL, Kendall-Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa, 1986 (with S. Goward), 116 pp.
BARRIER ISLANDS, Special Issue, Marine Geology, V. 63, (with G. Oertel, editors), Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1985, 419 pp.
OVERWASH PROCESSES, Benchmark Papers in Geology, Hutchinson and Ross Publishing Co., Stroudsburg, PA, editor, 1981, 376 pp.
ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGIC GUIDE TO CAPE COD NATIONAL SEASHORE, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Eastern Section, editor, 1979, 249 pp.
BARRIER ISLAND HANDBOOK, Laboratory for Coastal Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, editor, 1979, 101 pp., reprinted 1980; revised and reprinted 1982; revised and reprinted, 1988.
BARRIER ISLANDS: FROM GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE TO GULF OF MEXICO, Academic Press, New York, editor, 1979, 325 pp.
200+ journal articles and technical reports authored, including articles in both Science and Nature
Dr. Stephen B. Leatherman
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Leatherman, S.B., Leatherman, S.P., and A. Mittelstaedt, Jr., 2023, Aquatic Accidents, Peppertree Press, in press.
Sun, A., Tao, Y. and Leatherman, S.B., Chen, Shu-Ching, 2023. Rip Current Detection Based on Particle Image Velocimetry using Drone Video, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, in preparation.
Fraile-Jurado, P., Villarin, M. C., Leatherman, S.B. and Fernández-Díaz, M, 2021. Alternative approaches to medium-long term sea level rise mapping in Southern Miami Beach (Florida, USA), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 255, 107365, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107365.
Zhang, K., Zhang, M. Leatherman, S.B. and Leatherman, S.P., 2020, Quantifying and Rating Rip Current Hazards for Beachgoers, Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 95,969-973.
Fraile-Jurado, P., Sanchez-Rodriguez, E. and Leatherman, S.B., 2019. Improving the Learning Processes of Physical Geography Through the use of Landscape Photographs, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, V. 43(1), p. 24-39, DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2018.1515189.
Leatherman, S.B., 2017, Techniques for Rip Current Detection and Measurement, International Journal of Earth Science & Geophysics, 3:014.
Leatherman, S. B., 2017, Rip Flow Characteristics and Escape Strategies in South Florida, Shore and Beach, V. 85, p. 30-34.
Leatherman, S. B., 2017, Rip Current Measurements at Three South Florida Beaches, Journal of Coastal Research, V. 33, p. 1228-1234.
Leatherman S. P. and Leatherman, S. B., 2017, Sea Level Change, in the International Encyclopedia of Geography, People, the Earth, Environment and Technology, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, p. 6084-6093.
Leatherman, S. B., 2016, Rip Currents in South Florida: A Major Coastal Hazard and Management Challenge, Journal of Coastal Zone Management, V. 19:431, Doi: 10.4172/2473-3350.1000431.
Leatherman, S. B., 2015, Rip current hazard on Florida and South Georgia beaches, Shore and Beach, V. 83, p 63-66.
Leatherman, S. B., Leatherman, S. P. and Haus, B., 2013. Bar height and rip current presence and strength, Shore and Beach, V. 81, 19-22.