Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman


Department of Earth & Environment

Florida International University Miami, FL 33199

305-348-8364; 305-238-5888




1972-1975 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, Ph.D. in Environmental (Coastal) Science, May 16, 1976.

1966-1970 North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, B.S. in Geosciences with Honors, May 30, 1970.



Department of Earth & Environment

August 1997- present Director

Laboratory for Coastal Research August 1997-2014

We Will Rebuild Chair Professor

December 2001 - 2010 Director

International Hurricane Research Center August 1997 - August 2009

Florida International University Miami, FL 33199

Laboratory for Coastal Research Professor May 1985 - August 1997

August 1991 - August 1997

Associate Professor
August 1983 – 1991

Assistant Professor
August 1981 - August 1983

Department of Geography & Marine Science Program University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

National Park Service Research Unit University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003

August 1976 - August 1981

Assistant Professor Department of Geology Boston University Boston, MA 02215

September 1975 - August 1977



Member, Board of Directors, Journal of Coastal Research, 2018-Present Editorial Board, Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2017-Present

Co-Chair, New Research in Coastal Environments Session, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, September 28, 2016.

Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Research, 1995-present.

Member, Select Panel for Post Super Storm Sandy Recommendations for Coastal Erosion and Breach Closure at Fire Island, New York Governor’s Office, New York City, June 3, 2013.

Organizer and Chair, Florida Hurricane Alliance Research Program Workshop, Florida International University, Miami, FL, March 18-20, 2010.

Organizer and Co-Chair, 1st International Rip Current Symposium, Florida International University, Miami, FL, February 17-19, 2010.

Member, Heinz Center Coastal Vision Committee, Washington, DC, 2007- 2009.

Expert Testimony to House Committee on Science & Technology, Washington, DC, June 26, 2008.

Co-Chair, Science Committee on Climate Change, Miami-Dade County, 2007- 2008.

Organizer and Chair, NSF-Sponsored Workshop on Full-Scale Wind Testing with WoW Hurricane Simulator, Florida International University, Miami, FL, March 8, 2007.

Presenter to Florida Governor and Cabinet, Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and Hurricanes, Tallahassee, FL, April 19, 2007.

Review Coordinator, $19.7 Million IPET Report on New Orleans Flood Disaster, National Academy of Sciences and Engineering, 2006.

Organizer, Florida Hurricane Alliance of eight public universities, 2004-present.

Drafter of Legislation, National Windstorm Impact Reduction Act, signed into law by President Bush on October 25, 2004.

Chair, Committee on Sustainable Oceans, Coasts and Waterways, Heinz Center, Washington, DC, 2004-2007.

Editorial Board, Natural Hazards, 1995-2008.

Editorial Board, Shore & Beach, 1989-2005.

Member, Board of Directors, Marjory Stoneman Douglas Biscayne Nature Center, Key Biscayne, FL, 2000-2003.

Member, Roundtable on Natural Disasters, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 2000-2003.

Board Member, The Climate Institute, Washington, DC, 1987-Present. Chairman of the Board, 1987-1990; Co-Chairman with Sir Crispin Tickell, 1990-2001.

Member, Committee on Global Change Research, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 1999-2002.

Nominator for Fellowship, Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation, New England Aquarium, Boston, MA, 2000-2001.

Chair, National Panel to Evaluate Coastal Erosion Hazards for the Federal Emergency Management Agency as mandated by the U.S. Congress, H. John Heinz III Center, Washington, DC, 1998-2000.

Invited Participant, National Ocean Conference convened by President Bill Clinton, Monterey, California, June 11-12, 1998.

Member, Technical Advisory Committee, Insurance Friends of the National Hurricane Center, 1997 – 2002.

Leader, U.S. Congressional Staffers (Natural Hazards) Field Trip to the Chesapeake Bay, December 3, 1996.

Expert Testimony, U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, November 20, 1996.

Member, Advisory Board, Cove Point Environmental Trust, Maryland, 1995-1997.

Expert Testimony to President’s Council on Sustainable Development, Washington, DC, April 19, 1994.

Expert Testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking and Insurance, Washington, DC, April 14, 1994.

Elected Secretary, Sigma Xi, University of Maryland Chapter, 1992; Vice President, 1993; President, 1994.

Expert Testimony to U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs, Washington, DC, June 24, 1993.

Expert Testimony to U.S. Senate Committee on Housing and Urban Affairs, Washington, DC, July 27, 1992.

On-screen host and co-producer, “Vanishing Lands” documentary film, 1991.

Member, Cities on the Water, Committee to Save Venice—MOSE Project, Roberto Frassetto, Chair, Venice, Italy, 1990-1996.

Field Team Member of Committee on Natural Disasters, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington, DC, 1984-1991.

Expert Testimony, U.S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Policy Research and Insurance, Washington, DC, July 13, 1990.

Member, National Commission on Research and Resource Management Policy in the National Park System, National Parks and Conservation Association Report to the U.S. Congress, 1988-1989.

Expert Testimony to U.S. Senate Committee on Insular Affairs, Washington, DC, October 1989.

Visiting Professor, Peking University, Beijing, China, May-June 1989.

Member, Water Science and Technology Board Committee on Coastal Erosion Zone Management, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 1988-1990.

Presenter, Climate Science Award to Roger Revelle, The Climate Institute, Washington, DC, December 1988.

Expert Testimony to U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC, July 13, 1988.

Elected Member, Nominating Committee for Electorate E, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1986-Present; Chairman, 1989-1990.

Expert Testimony to U.S. Senate Committee on Public Works and Environmental Affairs, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC, June 10, 1986.

Chairman, Coastal Geomorphology Specialty Group, Assateague Island Erosion Workshop, National Park Service, Berlin, MD, March 1986.

Editorial Board, CERF Bulletin, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 1985-1988.

Distinguished Lectureship Tour, Partners of Americas, Rio de Janerio, Brazil and Mar del Plata, Argentina, November 1985.

Principal Lecturer, Short Course on Coastal Processes and Barrier Island Dynamics, Mar del Plata University, November 1-5, 1985.

Advisor, Glamorgan Heritage Coast Project, United Kingdom, 1985-1990.

Corresponding Member, International Geologic Correlation Program, UNESCO, 1985-1989.

Member, Marine Board Committee on Engineering Implications of Changes in Relative Sea Level, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences and Engineering, Washington, DC, 1984-1987.

Invited Participant, National Assessment of Effects of Accelerated Carbon Dioxide Loading in the Atmosphere, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 1983.

Panelist, Task Force on Barrier Islands, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 1979-1981 (Preparation of technical information for U.S. Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1983).

Member, Expert Panel for Selection of Criteria for Coastal Biospheres (MAB), UNESCO, University of Virginia, August 1980.

Invited Participant, "Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Assessment of Barrier Island Dynamics and Development Practices," Coastal Engineering Research Center, Fort Belvoir, VA, November 1979.

Scientific Adviser, Earthwatch Scientific Expeditions, 1976-1979.

Elected Office, Society of Sedimentary Geologists Vice-President, SEPM-Eastern Section (1978-1979) President, SEPM-Eastern Section (1979-1980).



American Association for Advancement of Science (Fellow)

Geological Society of America (Fellow)

Scientific Society of Sigma Xi


GRANTS AND CONTRACTS (Principal Investigator)

Coastal Processes Research, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 1994-2015, $1,500,000.

STORM Project, Thomas & Barbara Gale Foundation, 2012-2014, $25,000.

1st International Rip Current Symposium, Florida Sea Grant, 2009-2010, $10,000.

Center of Excellence for Hurricane Damage Mitigation & Product Development, Florida Board of Governors, 2008-2012, $7.5 million.

Florida Hurricane Alliance, NOAA National Weather Service, 2004-2010, $5.5 million.

Residential Construction Mitigation Program, Florida Division of Emergency Management, 2004-2009, $2.1 million.

Hurricane Storm Surge Modeling and Animation Project, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2001-2004, $2.5 million.

Development of a Public Model for Hurricane Catastrophic Losses, Co-PI, Florida Department of Insurance, 2000-2004.

Hurricane Impact Initiative, Phase II, Insurance Friends of the National Hurricane Center, 2000-2002.

Florida Coastal Monitoring Program, Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Emergency Management, 1999-2000.

Mapping Using Airborne Laser Altimetry, Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Emergency Management, 1998-1999.

Hurricane Impact Initiative, Insurance Friends of the National Hurricane Center, 1998-1999.

High Resolution Hurricane Vulnerability Data Set, Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Emergency Management, Co-PI, 1998-1999.

Climate Change Workshop, NOAA-Office of Global Programs, 1998-1999.

Comprehensive Hurricane Forecast and Impact Analysis, Quality Improvement Program, Florida International University, 1997-2000.

Vanishing Lands Teachers Guidebook, Chesapeake Bay Trust, 1995-1996.

Coastal Sector Impacts of Climate Change on Island States, U.S. Country Studies Program, Washington, DC, 1994-1997.

Impact of Sea Level Rise on U.S. Coastal Areas: Economic and Land Use Implications, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994-1997.

Utilization of Computer Technology in Coastal Geomorphology, UMD Improvement in Teaching Award, 1994-1995.

Vanishing Lands: An Assessment of Coastal Land Loss on Human Settlements, National Geographic Society, 1992-1994.

Vanishing Lands Project, William Bingham Foundation, Marpat Foundation, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1992-1995.

Implications of Sea-Level Rise for West Ocean City, MD, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, 1992-1993.

Development of Coastal Geographic Information System, Naval Facilities Engineering Facility, Washington, DC, 1991-1997.

Coastal Erosion Mapping and Analysis, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1990-1997.

An Assessment of Sea Level Trends and Implications, W. Alton Jones Foundation, 1990-1994.

Impact of Sea Level Rise on Developing Countries, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1989-1994.

Research Equipment for the Laboratory for Coastal Research, UMD Designated Research Funds, 1986-1988.

Sea Level Rise Curve for the Chesapeake Bay: Marsh Development and Bay- wide Implications, Maryland Sea Grant (with Mike Kearney), 1986-1987.

National Shoreline Movement Studies: Development of Microcomputer Mapping Routines and Geographic Information Systems, NOAA-National Ocean Service, 1985-1986.

Development of Laboratory Manual for Remote Sensing, UMD Improvement of Teaching Award, 1985.

Geomorphic Effects of Projected Sea Level Rise on Coastal Areas,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 1984-1988.

Sediment Budget and Transport Patterns, Maryland Chesapeake Bay, University of Maryland Graduate School Summer Research Award, 1984.

Historical and Projected Shoreline Changes, Ocean City, Maryland, Water Resources Research Center, 1983-1984.

Effects of Projected Sea-Level Rise on Galveston Island and Bay, Texas, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 1982-1983.

Remote Sensing Applications: East and Gulf Coast Barrier Islands, NASA, Washington, DC, 1981-1982.

Metric Mapping: Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, 1980-1982.

Geomorphic Analysis of South Shore of Long Island, N.Y., Phases II-IV, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, 1980-1985.

Geological Evolution of Outer Cape Cod for Archeological Interpretations, National Park Service, Boston, MA, 1979-1981.

Development and Utilization of Metric Mapping Techniques, National Park Service, Boston, MA, 1980-1981.

Province Lands Dune Migration and Resource Management, National Park Service, Cape Cod National Seashore, Wellfleet, MA, 1979-1981.

Outer Cape Cod Shoreline Analysis, National Park Service, Boston, MA, 1979- 1981.

Geomorphic Analysis of South Shore of Long Island, N.Y., Phase I, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, 1979-1980.

Effects of Off-Road Vehicles on Beaches and Dunes, Fire Island National Seashore, National Park Service, Boston, MA, 1977-1980.

Recreational Impacts on Assateague Island, Maryland-Virginia, National Park Service Denver Service Center, 1978-1979.

Beach Dynamics of Fire Island, N.Y., Earthwatch, Inc., Belmont, MA, 1978.

Overwash Processes and Foredune Ecology, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Fort Belvoir, VA, 1977-1981.

Impact of Off-Road Vehicles on Nauset Spit, Cape Cod, National Park Service, Boston, MA, 1977-1979.

Coastal Environments of Province Lands, Cape Cod, Earthwatch, Inc, Belmont, MA, 1977.

Environmental Effects of Off-Road Vehicles on Coastal Ecosystems in Cape Cod National Seashore, National Park Service, Boston, MA, 1976-1979.

Coastal Environments: Past and Present, Nauset Spit, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Earthwatch, Inc., Belmont, MA, 1976.

Hydraulics of an Overwash Event, Research Award, Boston University Graduate School, 1975.



Books and National Academy Reports

  1. THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL RIP CURRENT SYMPOSIUM (with Jung Lyul Lee and Jooyong Lee, editors), Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 72, 2014, 195 p.

  2. FIELD GUIDE TO THE WATER’S EDGE (with Jack Williams), National Geographic Society, Washington, DC, 2012, 335 p (subscriber’s edition).

  3. RIP CURRENTS: BEACH SAFETY, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND WAVE MODELING (with John Fletemeyer, editors), CRC Press International, 2011, 277 pp.

  4. HURRICANES, World Life Library, London, England (with Jack Williams), 2008, 72pp.


  6. BEACH VACATION TRAVEL JOURNAL, 2002, AAA National Office, Heathrow, FL, 80 pp.

  7. SEA LEVEL RISE: HISTORY AND CONSEQUENCES, Academic Press, New York (with B. Douglas and M. Kearney, editors), 2001, 228 pp.

  8. COASTAL EROSION MAPPING AND MANAGEMENT, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 28 (with M. Crowell, editors), 1999, 196 pp.

  9. AMERICA’S BEST BEACHES, Laboratory for Coastal Research, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 1998, 112 pp. (Distributed by University Press of Florida).

  10. ISLAND STATES AT RISK: GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE, POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 24, editor, 1997, 242 pp.

  11. POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF ACCELERATED SEA-LEVEL RISE ON DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 14 (with R. Nicholls, editors), 1995, 323 pp.

  12. MANAGING COASTAL EROSION, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. (with others), 1990, 182 pp.

  13. CAPE COD: FROM GLACIERS TO BEACHES, Laboratory for Coastal Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 1988, 132 pp.

  14. RESPONDING TO CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL: ENGINEERING IMPLICATIONS, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. (with others), 1987, 148 pp.

  15. REMOTE SENSING LABORATORY MANUAL, Kendall-Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa, 1986 (with S. Goward), 116 pp.

  16. BARRIER ISLANDS, Special Issue, Marine Geology, V. 63, (with G. Oertel, editors), Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1985, 419 pp.

  17. OVERWASH PROCESSES, Benchmark Papers in Geology, Hutchinson and Ross Publishing Co., Stroudsburg, PA, editor, 1981, 376 pp.

  18. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGIC GUIDE TO CAPE COD NATIONAL SEASHORE, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Eastern Section, editor, 1979, 249 pp.

  19. BARRIER ISLAND HANDBOOK, Laboratory for Coastal Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, editor, 1979, 101 pp., reprinted 1980; revised and reprinted 1982; revised and reprinted, 1988.

  20. BARRIER ISLANDS: FROM GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE TO GULF OF MEXICO, Academic Press, New York, editor, 1979, 325 pp.


Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  1. Leatherman, S.P., 2018, Rating Beaches in Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, 2nd Edition, Springer, in press.

  2. Galgano, F. and S.P. Leatherman, 2018, Modes and Patterns of Shoreline Change in Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, 2nd Edition, Springer, in press.

  3. Crowell, M., S.P. Leatherman and B. Douglas, 2018, Erosion: Historical Analysis and Forecasting in Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, 2nd Edition, Springer, in press.

  4. Fallon, K., Q. Lai, and S.P. Leatherman, 2018, Rip Current Literacy of. Beachgoers at Miami Beach, Florida, Natural Hazards, V. 90, p. 601-621.

  5. Leatherman, S.B. and S.P. Leatherman, 2017, Techniques for Detecting and Measuring Rip Currents, International Journal of Earth Science and Geophysics, 31:014.

  6. Leatherman, S.P., 2017, Surfside Sand Controversy, Shore & Beach, V. 85, p. 41-44.

  7. Leatherman, S.P., 2017, Coastal Erosion and the United States Flood Insurance Program, Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management,

  8. Leatherman, S.P., 2017, Rip Current Research at Miami Beach, Florida, Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, JEES-105.

  9. Leatherman, S.P. and S.B. Leatherman, 2017, Sea Level Change, in the International Encyclopedia of Geography, People, the Earth, Environment and Technology, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, p. 6084-6093.

  10. Fraile, Pablo, J. Alvarez, E. Guisado, N. Sanchez, J. Ojeda and S. Leatherman, 2016, Mapping Inundation Probability due to Increasing Sea Level Rise along El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain, Natural Hazards, doi:10.1007/s11069-017-2782-x.

  11. Leatherman, S.P., 2015, Miami Beach at 100: Where Would It Be Without a Beach? SHORE & BEACH, V. 83, p. 48.

  12. Leatherman, S.P., 2014, Rip Current: Science and Threat Communication, Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 72, p. 93-95.

  13. Leatherman, S.B., S.P. Leatherman, and B.K. Haus, 2013, Bar Height and Rip Current Presence and Strength, SHORE & BEACH, V. 81, p. 1-4.

  14. Leatherman, S.P., 2013, Rip Currents, in Coastal Hazards, C. Finkl, editor, Springer, New York, p. 811-831.

  15. Leatherman, S.P., 2012, Rip Currents: Types and Identification, SHORE & BEACH, V. 80, p. 5-10.

  16. Leatherman, S.P., 2012, Undertow, Rip Current and Riptide, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 28, p. 3-5.

  17. Ariza, E. and S.P. Leatherman, 2012, No-Smoking Policies and Their Outcomes on U.S. Beaches, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 28, p. 143-147.

  18. Leatherman, S.P., 2012, Bluff Stabilization at Robins Island in Peconic Bay, Long Island, New York, SHORE & BEACH, V. 80, p. 2-8.

  19. Leatherman, S.P., 2011, Hurricane Wind Damage Mitigation: Research and Outreach, NATURAL HAZARDS, V. 12, p. 202-206.

  20. Zhang, K. and S.P. Leatherman, 2011, Barrier Island Population along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 27, p. 356-363.

  21. Leatherman, S.P., 2010, Rip Currents: Terminology and Pro-Active Beach Safety in Rip Currents: Beach Safety, Physical Oceanography and Wave Modeling, S.P. Leatherman and J. Fletemeyer, eds, CRC Press International, p. 259-271.

  22. Fletemeyer, J. and S.P. Leatherman, 2010, Rip Currents and Public Education, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, v. 26, p. 1-3.

  23. Gan Chowdhury, A., Simiu, E., Leatherman, S.P., 2009, Destructive Testing under Simulated Hurricane Effects to Promote Hazard Mitigation. NATURAL HAZARDS REVIEW, Vol. 10, p. 1-10.

  24. Leatherman, S.P., 2007. The Most Vulnerable U.S. Hurricane Places, CATASTROPHE RISK MANAGEMENT, p. 8-10.

  25. Leatherman, S.P., K. Zhang, and C. Xiao, 2007. Lake Okeechobee, Florida: The Next Hurricane Disaster? WATER RESOURCES IMPACT, V.9, p. 5-7.

  26. Douglas, B.C., and S.P. Leatherman, 2007. Increasing the Resilience of Our Coasts: Coastal Collision Course of Rising Sea Level, Storms, Coastal Erosion and Development in Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change: Its Likelihood, Character and Avoidance, M. MacCracken, J. Topping, Jr. and F. Moore, eds., Earthscan Publications, p. 143-152.

  27. Gan Chowdhury, A.G. and Stephen P. Leatherman, 2007. Innovative Testing Facility to Mitigate Hurricane-Induced Losses, EOS TRANSACTION OF THE AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION, Vol. 88, p. 262.

  28. Leatherman, S.P., A.G. Chowdhury, and C.J. Robertson, 2007. Wall of Wind Full-Scale Destructive Testing of Coastal Houses and Hurricane Damage Mitigation, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V.23, p.1211-1217.

  29. Kates, R.W., C.E. Colton, S. Laska, and S.P. Leatherman, 2006. Reconstruction of New Orleans Following Hurricane Katrina: A Research Perspective, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, V. 103, pp. 14653-14660.

  30. Leatherman, S.P., 2006. Hurricane Katrina: Implications for Building and Living in Harm’s Way, WATER RESOURCES IMPACT, Vol. 8, pp. 6-10.

  31. Leatherman, S.P., 2006. The WoW Factor in Hurricane Damage Mitigation, CATASTROPHE RISK MANAGEMENT, pp. 24-25.

  32. Crowell, M., S. P. Leatherman, and B.C. Douglas, 2005. Erosion: Historical Shoreline Analysis and Forecasting, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COASTAL SCIENCE, M. Schwartz, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 428- 432.

  33. Galgano, F. and S.P. Leatherman, 2005. Modes and Patterns of Shoreline Change, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COASTAL SCIENCE, M. Schwartz, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 651-656.

  34. Leatherman, S.P., 2005. Rating Beaches, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COASTAL SCIENCE, M. Schwartz, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 785- 790.

  35. Leatherman, S.P., D. Whitman, and K. Zhang, 2005. Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping Using LIDAR (Airborne Laser Altimetry Technology), in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COASTAL SCIENCE, M. Schwartz, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 21-24.

  36. Robertson, W., K. Zhang, D. Whitman, and S.P. Leatherman, 2005. Shoreline and Beach Volume Change Before and After the 2004 Hurricane Season, Palm Beach County, Florida, SHORE & BEACH, Vol. 73, pp. 79-84.

  37. Zhang, K., D. Whitman, S.P. Leatherman, and W. Robertson, 2005. Quantification of Beach Changes Caused by Hurricane Floyd Along Florida’s Atlantic Coast Using Airborne Laser Surveys, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Vol. 21, pp. 123-134.

  38. Leatherman, S.P. and K. Zhang, 2004. Coastal Hazards and Barrier Beach Development, in WorldMinds: Geographic Solutions on 100 Problems, AAG Centennial Celebration, B. Warf, D. Janelle, and K. Hansen, eds., pp. 455-460.

  39. Robertson, W., D. Whitman, K. Zhang and S.P. Leatherman, 2004. Mapping Shoreline Position Using Airborne Laser Altimetry, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Vol. 20, pp. 884-892.

  40. Zhang, K., D. Whitman, Leatherman, S.P. and Robertson, W., 2004. Quantification of changes caused by Hurricane Floyd along Florida’s Atlantic Coast using airborne LIDAR survey. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 21, pp. 123-134.

  41. Whitman, D., K. Zhang, S. Leatherman, and W. Robertson, 2003. Airborne Laser Topographic Mapping: Application to Hurricane Storm Surge Hazards, in: Earth Sciences in the Cities, G. Heiken, R. Fakundiny, and J. Sutter, editors, AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION, pp. 363-378.

  42. Leatherman, S.P., 2003. Shoreline Change Mapping and Management along the U.S. East Coast, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Special Issue No. 38, pp. 5-13.

  43. Leatherman, S.P., Douglas, B.C., and LaBrecque, J. L., 2003. Sea Level Rise and Coastal Erosion Require Large-Scale Monitoring. EOS, V.84,
    p. 13.

  44. Whitman, D., Zhang, K., Leatherman, S.P., and Robertson, W., 2003. Airborne Laser Topographic Mapping: Applications to Hurricane Storm Hazards, AGU MONOGRAPH, EARTH SCIENCE IN THE CITY, pp. 363-376.

  45. Zhang, K., Douglas, B.C. and Leatherman, S.P. 2003. Global Warming and Long-Term Sandy Beach Erosion, CLIMATIC CHANGE, V. 64, pp. 41-58.

  46. Leatherman, S.P., and Burkett, V.R., 2002. Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Disasters: Lessons from the East Coast and New Orleans: NATURAL HAZARDS OBSERVER, v. 26, no. 4, pp. 10-11.

  47. Pajak, M.J. and Leatherman, S.P., 2002. The High-Water Line as Shoreline Indicator, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Vol. 18, pp. 329- 337.

  48. Zhang, K., B.C. Douglas and S.P. Leatherman, 2002. Beach Erosion Potential for Severe Nor’easters, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Vol. 17, pp. 309-321.

  49. Zhang K., B.C. Douglas, and S.P. Leatherman, 2002. Do Storms Cause Long-Term Beach Erosion along the U.S. East Barrier Coast? JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, V. 110, pp. 493-502.

  50. Zhang, K., W. Huang, B.C. Douglas and S.P. Leatherman, 2002. Shoreline Position Variability and Long-Term Trend Analysis, SHORE & BEACH, V. 70, pp. 31-35.

  51. Leatherman, S.P., 2001. Social and Economic Costs of Sea Level Rise, in Sea Level Rise: History and Consequences, Douglas, B., et al., eds., ACADEMIC PRESS, New York, pp. 181-223.

  52. Leatherman, S.P., W.J. Merrell, Jr. and R.M. Friedman, 2001. Coastal Erosion and Its Impact on the National Flood Insurance Program: The Heinz Center Report, SHORE & BEACH, V. 69, pp. 23-27.

  53. Zhang, K., Douglas, B.C., and Leatherman, S.P., 2001. Beach Erosion Potential for Severe Nor’easters, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 17, pp. 309-321.

  54. Leatherman, S.P., K. Zhang, and B.C. Douglas, 2000. Sea Level Rise Shown to Drive Coastal Erosion: A Reply, EOS Transactions in American Geophysical Union, V. 81, pp. 437-441.

  55. Leatherman, S.P., K. Zhang, and B.C. Douglas, 2000. Sea Level Rise Shown to Drive Coastal Erosion, EOS Transactions in American Geophysical Union, V. 81, pp. 55-57.

  56. Smith, J. and S.P. Leatherman, 2000. Erosion Anomaly on Eastern Jones Beach Island, NY: Genesis and Management Implications, SHORE & BEACH, V. 68, pp. 29-32.

  57. Zhang, K., B.C. Douglas, and S.P. Leatherman, 2000. Twentieth-Century Storm Activity along the U.S. East Coast, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, V. 13, pp. 1748-1761.

  58. Galgano, F.A. and S.P. Leatherman, 1999. Beach Erosion, Tidal Inlets and Politics: The Fire Island Story, SHORE & BEACH, V. 67, pp. 26-32.

  59. Leatherman, S.P. and Anders, F.J., 1999. Mapping and Managing Coastal Erosion Hazards in New York, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Special Issue 28, pp. 34-42.

  60. Leatherman, S.P. and Eskandary, L.S., 1999. Evaluation of Coastal Erosion Hazards along Delaware’s Atlantic Coast, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Special Issue 28, pp. 43-49.

  61. O’Connell, J.F. and Leatherman, S.P., 1999. Coastal Erosion Hazards and Mapping along the Massachusetts Shore, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Special Issue 28, pp. 27-33.

  62. Douglas, B. C., Crowell, M., and Leatherman, S.P., 1998. Considerations for Shoreline Position Prediction, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 14, pp. 1025-1033.

  63. Galgano, F., Douglas, B.C., and Leatherman, S.P., 1998. Trends and Variability of Shoreline Position, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Special Issue 26, pp. 282-291.

  64. Crowell, M., Douglas, B.C, and Leatherman, S.P., 1997. On Forecasting Future U.S. Shoreline Positions: A Test of Algorithms, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V.13, pp. 1245-1255.

  65. Leatherman, S.P., 1997. Beach Ratings: A Methodological Approach, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 13, pp. 253-258.

  66. Leatherman, S.P. and Beller-Simms, N., 1997. Sea Level Rise and Small Island States: An Overview, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Special Issue 24, pp. 1-16.

  67. Leatherman, S.P., Crowell, M., and Douglas, B.C., 1997. U.S. Sea-Level Trends: Implications for Long-Term Erosion, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Editorial, V. 13, 2 pp.

  68. Leatherman, S.P., Dean, R., Kana, T. and Anders, F., 1997. Goldsmith Inlet and Adjacent Areas, North Shore of Long Island, New York: Erosion Problems and Suggested Modifications, SHORE & BEACH, V. 65, pp. 13- 16.

  69. Turner, I. and Leatherman, S.P., 1997. Beach Dewatering As a Soft Engineering Solution to Coastal Erosion: A History and Critical Review, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 13, pp. 1050-1063.

  70. Zhang, K., Douglas, B.C., and Leatherman, S.P., 1997. East Coast Storm Surges Provide Unique Climate Record, EOS TRANSACTIONS, American Geophysical Union, V. 78, pp. 395-397.

  71. allow, B.P., Malang, K.A. and S.P. Leatherman, 1996. Assessment of the Vulnerability of the Coastal Zone of the Gambia to Sea Level Rise and Development of Response Strategies and Adaptation Options, CLIMATIC RESEARCH, V. 6, pp. 165-177.

  72. Leatherman, S.P., 1996. Shoreline Stabilization Approaches In Response to Sea Level Rise: U.S. Experiences and Implications for Pacific Islands and Asian Nations, JOURNAL OF WATER, AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, V. 92, pp. 149-157.

  73. Nicholls, R.J. and Leatherman, S.P., 1996. Adapting to Sea Level Rise: Relative Sea-Level Trends to 2100 for the United States, COASTAL MANAGEMENT, V. 24, pp. 301-324.

  74. Deering, A. and Leatherman, S.P., 1995. Are Insurers on a Collision Course with Nature? BEST'S REVIEWS, pp. 66-69.

  75. Leatherman, S. P., Nicholls, R. J., and Dennis, K. C., 1995. Aerial Videotape- Assisted Vulnerability Analysis: A Cost-Effective Approach to Assess Sea-Level Rise Impacts, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Special Issue 14, pp. 15-25.

  76. Leatherman, S.P. and Nicholls, R.J., 1995. Accelerated Sea-Level Rise and Developing Countries: An Overview, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Special Issue 14, pp. 1-14.

  77. Lee, G., Nicholls, R.J., Birkemeier, W.A., and Leatherman, S.P., 1995.
    A Conceptual Fairweather - Storm Model of Beach Nearshore Profile Evolution at Duck, North Carolina, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 11, pp. 1157-1166.

  78. Nicholls, R.J. and S.P. Leatherman, 1995. Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Management, in Geomorphology and Land Management in a Changing Environment, D. McGregor and D. Thompson, eds., John Wiley, pp. 229-244.

  79. Nicholls, R.J. and S.P. Leatherman, 1995. Sea Level Rise, in As Climate Changes: Impacts and Implications, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, pp. 92-123.

  80. Nicholls, R.J. and Leatherman, S.P., 1995. The Implications of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise for Developing Countries: A Discussion, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Special Issue 14, pp. 303-323.

  81. Nicholls, R.J., S.P. Leatherman, K.C. Dennis, and C.R. Volonte, 1995. Impacts and Response to Sea-Level Rise: Qualitative and Quantitative Assessments, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Special Issue 14, pp. 26-43.

  82. Wray, R.D., Leatherman, S.P., and Nicholls, R.J., 1995. Historic and Projected Land Loss for Upland and Marsh Islands in the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 11, pp. 1195-1203.

  83. Downs, L.L., Nicholls, R.J., Leatherman, S.P., and Hautzenroder, J., 1994. Historic Evolution of a Marsh Island, Bloodsworth Island, Maryland, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 10, pp. 1031-1044.

  84. Leatherman, S.P., 1994. Rising Sea Level and Small Island States, ECODECISION, V. 11, pp. 53-54.

  85. Crowell, M., Leatherman, S.P., and M.K. Buckley, 1993. Shoreline Change Rate Analysis: Long Term versus Short Term Data, SHORE & BEACH, V. 61, pp. 13-20.

  86. Leatherman, S.P., 1993. Coastal Change, in Atlas of Satellite Observations Related to Global Change, R.J. Gurney et al., eds., CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, pp. 327-339.

  87. Williams, A.T. and Leatherman, S.P., 1993. Process Form Relationships on U.S. East Coast Barrier Islands, ZEIT FUR GEOMORPHOLOGY, V. 37, pp. 179-197.

  88. Davison, A.T., R.J. Nicholls, and S.P. Leatherman, 1992. Beach Nourishment as a Coastal Management Tool: An Annotated Bibliography on Development Associated with the Artificial Nourishment of Beaches, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V.8, pp. 984-1022.

  89. Leatherman, S.P., 1992. Hurricane Hugo's Impact on the South Carolina Coast, in Natural and Technological Disasters: Causes, Effects and Preventive Measures, S.K. Majumdar, et al., eds., Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, pp. 138-149.

  90. Leatherman, S.P. 1992. Coastal Land Loss in the Chesapeake Bay Region: An Historical Analogy Approach to Global Climate Analysis and Response, in the Regions and Global Warming: Impacts and Response Strategies, J. Schmandt, ed., OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, pp.17-27.

  91. Leatherman, S.P., 1992. Sea Level Rise: Implications and Responses, in Global Climate Change: Implications, Challenges, and Mitigation, S.K. Majumdar, et al., eds., Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, pp. 256-263.

  92. Titus, J., R. Park, S. Leatherman, J. Weggle, M. Greene, S. Brown, C. Gaunt, M. Trehan, and G. Yohe, 1992. Greenhouse effect and sea level rise: the cost of holding back the sea. COASTAL MANAGEMENT, V. 19, pp. 219- 233.

  93. Crowell, M., Leatherman, S.P., and Buckley, M.K., 1991. Historical Shoreline Change: Error Analysis and Mapping Accuracy, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 7, pp. 839-852.

  94. Leatherman, S.P., 1991. Coasts and Beaches, in Heritage of Engineering Geology: The First Hundred Years, Geological Society of America, Centennial Special Volume 3, pp. 183-200.

  95. Galgano, F.A. and S. P. Leatherman, 1991, Shoreline Change Analysis Case Study: The Bethany Beach Groin Field, Coastal Sediments, p. 1043- 1953.

  96. Leatherman, S.P., 1991. Impact of Climate-Induced Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Resources, in Global Climate Change and Life on Earth, R.L. Wyman, ed., Chapman and Hall, New York, pp. 170-179.

  97. Leatherman, S.P., 1991. Modeling Shore Response to Sea-Level Rise on Sedimentary Coasts, PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, V. 14, pp. 447-464.

  98. Leatherman, S.P., and Dean, R.G., 1991. Coastal Erosion Zone Management, EOS TRANSACTIONS, American Geophysical Union, V. 72, pp. 9-10.

  99. Leatherman, S.P., 1990. Environmental Implications of Shore Protection Strategies Along Open Coasts (With a Focus on the United States), Changing Climate and the Coasts, J.G. Titus, ed., United Nations Environment Program, pp. 197-207.

  100. Leatherman, S.P. and J.J. Moller, 1990. Hurricane Hugo's Impact on the South Carolina Beaches, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, Skagen Symposium Special Volume, pp. 332-357.

  101. Leatherman, S.P. and J.J. Moller, 1990. Morris Island Lighthouse: A "Survivor" of Hurricane Hugo, SHORE & BEACH, v. 59, pp. 11-15.

  102. Leatherman, S.P., 1989. Impact of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise on Beaches and Coastal Wetlands, J.C. White, editor, Global Climate Change Linkages, pp. 43-57.

  103. Leatherman, S.P., 1989. Response of Sandy Beaches to Sea-Level Rise in Late Quaternary Sea-Level Correlations and Applications: Walter S. Newman Memorial Volume, D.B. Scott, et al., eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, pp. 57-69.

  104. Leatherman, S.P., 1989. Role of Inlets in Geomorphic Evolution of the South Shore Barriers of Long Island, New York, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, V. 13, pp. 109-115.

  105. Oertel, G.F., Kearney, M.S., Leatherman, S.P., and Woo, H.J., 1989. Anatomy of a Barrier Platform: Outer Barrier Lagoon, Southern Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia, MARINE GEOLOGY, V. 88, pp. 303-318.

  106. Vellinga, P. and Leatherman, S.P., 1989. Sea Level Rise, Consequences and Policies, CLIMATIC CHANGE, V. 15, pp. 175-189.

  107. Leatherman, S.P., 1988. Beach and Shoreface Response to Sea Level Rise, PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY, v. 18, pp. 139-149.

  108. Leatherman, S.P., 1988. Implications of Sea-Level Rise on the South Shore of Long Island, New York, NORTHEASTERN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, V. 7, pp. 83-90.

  109. Leatherman, S.P. and McDonough, J.J., 1988. America's Eroding Beaches: NOS Data May Hold the Key, MILITARY ENGINEER, V. 520, pp. 143-144.

  110. Leatherman, S.P. and Panageotou, W., 1988. Barrier Evolution during Sea Level Rise: South Shore of Long Island, New York, NORTHEASTERN

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, V. 6, pp. 76-81.

  111. Anders, F.J. and Leatherman, S.P., 1987. Disturbance of Beach Sediment by Off-Road Vehicles, ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY AND WATER SCIENCE, V. 9, pp. 183-189.

  112. Anders, F.J. and Leatherman, S.P., 1987. Effects of Off-Road Vehicles on Coastal Foredunes at Fire Island, New York, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, V.11, pp. 45-52.

  113. Fisher, J.J. and Leatherman, S.P., 1987. Glacial and Coastal Geology, Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts, in Decade of North American Geology, Geological Society of America, Centennial Field Guide, pp. 213-220.

  114. Leatherman, S.P., 1987. Annotated Chronological Bibliography of Barrier Island Migration, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 3, pp. 1-14.

  115. Leatherman, S.P., 1987. Coastal Geomorphological Applications of Ground-Penetrating Radar, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 3, pp. 397-399.

  116. Leatherman, S.P., 1987. Field Measurement of Micro-topography, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 3, pp. 233-235.

  117. Leatherman, S.P., 1987. Reworking of Glacial Sediments along Outer Cape Cod: Development of Provincetown Spit, in Treatise on Glaciated Coasts, D.M. Fitzgerald and P.S. Rosen, eds., Academic Press, pp. 307-325.

  118. Leatherman, S.P., 1987. Time Frames for Barrier Island Migration, O'Brien Symposium Edition, SHORE & BEACH, V. 55, pp. 82-86.

  119. Leatherman, S.P. and Zaremba, R.E., 1987. Overwash and Aeolian Processes on a U.S. Northeast Coast Barrier, SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, V. 52, pp. 183- 206.

  120. Leatherman, S.P., 1986. Cliff Stability along Western Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, MARINE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY JOURNAL, V. 20, pp. 28-36.

  121. Leatherman, S.P., and Zaremba, R.E., 1986. Dynamics of a Northern Barrier Beach: Nauset Spit, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, BULLETIN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, V. 97, pp. 116-124.

  122. Panageotou, W., and Leatherman, S.P., 1986. Holocene-Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the Inner Shelf off Fire Island, New York: Implications for Barrier Island Migration, JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY, V. 56, pp. 528-537.

  123. Zaremba, R.E., and Leatherman, S.P., 1986. Vegetative-Physiographic Analysis of a Northern Barrier Beach, ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY AND WATER SCIENCE, V. 8, pp. 193-207.

  124. Demarest, J.M., and Leatherman, S.P., 1985. Mainland Influence on Coastal Transgression: Delmarva Peninsula, MARINE GEOLOGY, V. 63, pp. 19-33.

  125. Leatherman, S.P., 1985. Geomorphic and Sedimentary Analysis of Fire Island, New York, MARINE GEOLOGY V. 63, pp. 173-195.

  126. Orson, R.A., Panageotou, W., and Leatherman, S.P., 1985. Response of Tidal Salt Marshes of the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts to Rising Sea Levels, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 1, pp. 29-37.

  127. Williams, A.T., Evans, N.H., and Leatherman, S.P., 1985. Genesis of Fire Island Foredunes, New York, SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, V. 42, pp. 201-216.

  128. Leatherman, S.P., 1985. Approaches to Coastal Hazard Analysis: Ocean City, Maryland, in R. Platt, ed., Cities on the Beach, University of Chicago Press, pp. 143-154.

  129. Leatherman, S.P., 1984. Geomorphic Responses to Coastal Landforms to Projected Sea Level Rise, in Barth, M. and J. Titus, ed., Greenhouse Effect and Sea Level Rise, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, pp. 151-178.

  130. Ashmore, S., and Leatherman, S.P., 1984. Holocene Sedimentation in Port Royal Bay, Bermuda, MARINE GEOLOGY, V. 56, pp. 289-298.

  131. Leatherman, S.P., 1984. Geomorphic Responses of Coastal Landforms to Projected Sea Level Rise, in Barth, M. and J. Titus, ed., Greenhouse Effect and Sea Level Rise, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, pp. 151-178.

  132. Leatherman, S.P., 1984. Shoreline Evolution of North Assateague Island, Maryland, SHORE & BEACH, V. 52, pp. 3-10.

  133. Leatherman, S.P., 1983. Barrier Dynamics and Landward Migration with Holocene Sea-Level Rise, NATURE, V. 301, pp. 415-418

  134. Leatherman, S.P., 1983. Barrier Evolution in Response to Sea Level Rise, JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY, V. 53, pp. 1026-1033.

  135. Leatherman, S.P., 1983. Coastal Marine Processes, in Geological Applications in Remote Sensing, R.S. Williams, ed., Manual of Remote Sensing, American Society of Photogrammetry, Falls Church, VA, pp. 1880- 1882.

  136. Leatherman, S.P., 1983. Shoreline Mapping: A Comparison of Techniques, SHORE & BEACH, V. 51, pp. 28-33.

  137. Leatherman, S.P. and Clow, B., 1983. UMD Shoreline Mapping Project, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing, V. 22, pp. 5-8.

  138. Leatherman, S.P. and Williams, A.T., 1983. Vertical Sedimentation Units in a Barrier Island Washover Fan, EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, V. 8, pp. 141-150.

  139. Rice, T.E. and Leatherman, S.P., 1983. Barrier Island Dynamics: The Eastern Shore of Virginia, SOUTHEAST GEOLOGY, V. 24, pp. 125-137.

  140. Anders, F.J. and Leatherman, S.P., 1982. Mapping Techniques and Historical Shoreline Analysis, Nauset Spit, Massachusetts, in Geotechnology in Massachusetts, O.C. Farquhar, ed., Amherst, MA, pp. 501-509.

  141. Leatherman, S.P., Rice, T.E., and Goldsmith, V., 1982. Virginia Barrier Island Configuration: A Reappraisal, SCIENCE, V. 215, pp. 285-287.

  142. Leatherman, S.P., 1981. Barrier Beach Development: A Perspective on the Problem, SHORE & BEACH, V. 49, pp. 2-9.

  143. Steiner, A.J. and Leatherman, S.P., 1981. Recreational Impacts on the Distribution of Ghost Crabs. Ocyode Quadrate Fab., BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, V. 20, pp. 111-122.

  144. Godfrey, P.J., Leatherman, S.P., and Buckley, P.A., 1980. ORVs and Beach Degradation, PARKS, V. 5, pp. 5-11.

  145. Godfrey, P.J., Leatherman, S.P., and R.E. Zaremba, 1979. A Geobotanical Approach to Classification of Barrier Beach Systems, Leatherman, S.P., ed., Barrier Islands, Academic Press, Inc., New York, pp. 99-125.

  146. Leatherman, S.P., 1979. An Inexpensive Suspended Sediment Sampler. ESTUARIES V. 2, pp. 135-136.

  147. Leatherman, S.P., 1979. Barrier Dune Systems: A Reassessment. SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, V. 24, pp. 1-16.

  148. Leatherman, S.P., 1979. Beach and Dune Interactions During Storm Conditions. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, V. 12, pp. 281-290.

  149. Leatherman, S.P., 1979. Migration of Assateague Island, Maryland, by Inlet and Overwash Processes, GEOLOGY, V. 7, pp. 104-107.

  150. Leatherman, S.P., 1978. A New Aeolian Sand Trap Design. SEDIMENTOLOGY, V. 25, pp. 303-306.

  151. Leatherman, S.P., 1978. Anthropical Structures in Coastal Sediments. MARITIME SEDIMENTS, V. 14, pp. 69-72.

  152. Leatherman, S.P. and Williams, A.T., 1978. Lamination Sampling Technique for Unconsolidated Sediments. MARITIME SEDIMENTS, V. 14, pp. 15-16.

  153. Leatherman, S.P. and Williams, A.T., 1977. Lateral Textural Grading in Overwash Sediments. EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES, V. 2, pp. 333-341.

  154. Leatherman, S.P., Williams, A.T., and Fisher, J.S., 1977. Overwash Sedimentation Associated with a Large-Scale Northeaster. MARINE GEOLOGY, V. 24, pp. 109-121.

  155. Williams, A.T., Grant, C.J., and Leatherman, S.P., 1977. Sedimentation Patterns in Repulse Bay, Hong Kong. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION, V. 88, pp. 183-200.

  156. Leatherman, S.P. and Williams, A.T., 1976. Sedimentation in a Barrier Island Overwash Fan. JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, V. 132, pp. 707-708.

  157. Williams, A.T., Leatherman, S.P., and Fisher, J.S., 1976. Particle Size- Velocity Relationship for Swash Transport at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. SOUTHEASTERN GEOLOGY, V. 17, pp. 231-242.


Technical Reports, Proceedings and Other Articles

  1. Leatherman, S.P., 2015, Sea Level Rise: Scientific Basis, Trends and Coastal Impacts, in Climate Change and Public Health, Levy, B.S. and J.A. Patz, editors, Oxford University Press, p. 39-40.

  2. Leatherman, S.P., 2014, Review of book “The Human Shore,” JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 30, p. 68-71.

  3. Leatherman, S.P. and S.B. Leatherman, 2011, Rip Currents: A Major Coastal Hazard and Public Safety Challenge, Proceedings of the International Conference on Solutions to Coastal Disasters, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Washington, DC, p. 131-136.

  4. Leatherman, S.P., 2011, Obituary for John R. Clark: Father of American Coastal Management, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, V. 27.

  5. Leatherman, S.P., 2011, Rip Currents, Rip Tides and Undertow, ELICCA, Southampton, NY, 4pp.

  6. Leatherman, S.P., 2010, Review of “Coming Climate Crisis: Consider the Past, Beware of the Big Fix, Claire Parkinson, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 256pp.

  7. Leatherman, S.P., 2010, Rip Currents and Beach Safety, ELICCA, Southampton, NY, 4pp.

  8. Leatherman, S.P., 2009, Rip Currents and Long Island, New York, ELICCA, Southampton, NY, 4pp.

  9. Fletemeyer, J., Leatherman, S. P., and Brander, R., 2009, Rip Current Danger, AQUATICS INTERNATIONAL, V. 21, p. 14-15.

  10. Leatherman, S.P., 2008, Program Document for International Hurricane Research Building, Florida International University, 55pp.

  11. Leatherman, S.P., 2008, 1938 Hurricane: 70 Years Ago, ELICCA, Southampton, NY, 4pp.

  12. Gan Chowdhury, A., E. Simiu, J. Lin, and S.P. Leatherman, 2007, Wall of Wind at FIU, The Wind Engineer: Newsletter of American Association of Wind Engineers, P. 1-6.

  13. Leatherman, S.P ., 2007. T aking Hurricane Research to the Next Level, Natural Hazards Observer, V. 32, p. 1-2.

  14. Leatherman, S.P., 2007. Coastal Collision Course: Sea Level, Hurricanes and Development, Guest Commentary for Carbon Disclosure Project, New York, NY, 2 pp.

  15. Leatherman, S.P., 2007. The 2006 Hurricanes That Never Hit: What Happened? Hurricanes and Long Island, ELICCA, Southampton, NY, 4 pp.

  16. Leatherman, S.P., 2006. Katrina’s Impact and Hurricane Season of 2005, ELICCA, Southampton, NY, 4 pp.

  17. Leatherman, S.P. and G. White, 2005. The Coastal Collision Course, NATIONAL HAZARDS OBSERVER, Vol. 30, pp. 5-6.

  18. Leatherman, S.P., 2005. Florida’s Fearsome Foursome, ELICCA, Southampton, NY, 4 pp.

  19. Leatherman, S.P., 2004. FEMA Windstorm Simulation and Modeling Project: Executive Summary, International Hurricane Research Center, Miami, FL, 12 pp.

  20. Leatherman, S.P., 2004. Isabel: A Cape Verde Hurricane, ELICCA, Southampton, NY, 4 pp.

  21. Leatherman, S.P., 2004. Statement on Bill to Establish a National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program, U.S. House Science Committee, 9 pp.

  22. Leatherman, S.P., 2004. William Morris Davis: AAG Founder and First Coastal Geomorphologist, AAG Newsletter.

  23. Leatherman, S.P., 2003. Hurricanes and the Hamptons: Applications of Airborne LIDAR for Storm Surge Mapping, ELICCA, Southampton, NY. 4 pp.

  24. Leatherman, S.P., 2002. Beach Erosion Studies on Tropical Islands, Proceedings International Conference on Carbonate Shorelines, ASCE, pp. 229-235.

  25. Leatherman, S.P. and K. Zhang, 2002. Hurricane Impact Mapping, Solutions to Coastal Disasters, Proceedings, ASCE, pp. 576-581.

  26. Leatherman, S.P., 2002. Hamptons’ Hurricane Tracking Map, Eastern Long Island Coastal Conservation Alliance, Southampton, N.Y., 4 pp.

  27. Leatherman, S.P. and Burkett, V., 2002. Sea Level Rise and Coastal Disasters, Natural Hazards Observer, p. 10-11.

  28. Leatherman, S.P. and Zhang, K., 2002. Hurricane Impact Mapping, Proceedings of Coastal Disasters ’02 Conference, San Diego, CA, pp. 576- 581.

  29. Whitman, D., K. Zhang, S.P Leatherman, W. Robertson, T. Bernier, C. Anderson, 2002. Application of Airborne LIDAR Topographic Mapping to Coastal Flooding and Erosion Hazards, Southeast Florida, Proceedings of the Seventh Annual International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Miami, FL, pp. 20-22.

  30. Leatherman, S.P. and Kershaw, P.J., 2002. Sea Level Rise and Coastal Disaster, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 20 pp.

  31. Leatherman, S.P., and 16 others, 2001. The Science of Regional and Global Change: Putting Knowledge to Work, Report to the Presidential Transition Team, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 19 pp.

  32. Leatherman, S.P., Walker, C. and Garvey, P.G., 2001. The Hamptons’ Life- Saving Stations: Historical Landmarks as Shore Change Indicators, Eastern Long Island Coastal Conservation Alliance (ELICCA), Southampton, NY, 20 pp.

  33. Leatherman, S.P., 2001. Beaches and Dunes of Developed Coasts, Book Review, Professional Geographer, V. 53, pp. 442-443.

  34. Leatherman, S.P., 2000. Hurricanes of the North Atlantic, Book Review, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, V. 81, pp. 594-596.

  35. Leatherman, S.P., 2000. Beach Basics: A Reference Guide to Coastal Terminology, Eastern Long Island Coastal Conservation Alliance (ELICCA), Southampton, NY, 14 pp.

  36. Leatherman, S.P., 2000. National Hurricane Hazards Reduction Act, Modified version of legislation introduced into U.S. House of Representatives, 10 pp.

  37. Leatherman, S.P., 2000. Proceedings of the Roundtable on Rainfall Index, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 40 pp.

  38. Leatherman, S.P. and others, 2000. Evaluation of Erosion Hazards, The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment, Washington, DC, 203 pp.

  39. Leatherman, S.P., 1999. Sand Rights: A Case Study of the Hamptons’ Beaches, Proceedings of Sand Rights Conference, ASCE, Ventura, CA, pp. 245-253.

  40. Leatherman, S.P., Shumway, S.E. and Christel, D.W., 1999. The Hamptons’ South Shore: A History of Beach Changes and Storm Impacts, Eastern Long Island Coastal Conservation Alliance (ELICCA), Southampton, N.Y., 26 pp.

  41. Carter, W. E., R. L. Shrestha, and S.P. Leatherman, 1998. Airborne Laser Swath Mapping: Applications to Shoreline Mapping, Proceedings of the INS MAP 98 Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

  42. Leatherman, S.P., 1996. Flood Insurance Availability in Coastal Areas: The Role It Plays in Encouraging Development Decisions, FEMA Technical Report, Washington, DC.

  43. Beller-Simms, N. and S.P. Leatherman, 1996. Vanishing Lands Teachers Guidebook, Chesapeake Bay Trust, Annapolis, MD, 41 pp.

  44. Leatherman, S.P., 1996. Impact of Rising Sea Level: The Chesapeake Bay Region, U.S. Senate Testimony, Washington, DC, 5 pp.

  45. Leatherman, S.P., 1996. U.S. Cities Subject to Sea Level Rise, Aquapolis, Venice, Italy, pp. 58-65.

  46. Leatherman, S.P. and others, 1995. Vanishing Lands: Sea Level, Society, and the Chesapeake Bay, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Annapolis, MD, 47 pp.

  47. Leatherman, S.P., 1994. Vanishing Lands: An Analysis of Coastal Land Loss, Final Report to the National Geographic Society, 126 pp.

  48. Leatherman, S.P., and 13 others, 1994. Hurricane Hugo: Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and South Carolina, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 276 pp.

  49. Leatherman, S.P., 1994. Coastal Geomorphology, in Environmental Science in the Coastal Zone: Issues for Further Research, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, pp. 44-48.

  50. Leatherman, S.P., 1994. Rising Sea Level and Coastal Vulnerability, U.S. Senate Testimony, Washington, DC, 8 pp.

  51. Leatherman, S.P., 1993. Modes of Shoreline Behavior: Erosion Rate Analysis Using Geomorphic Principles, Proceedings of the International Coastal Symposium, Hilton Head Island, S.C., pp. 218-223.

  52. Leatherman, S.P., 1993. Reform of the National Flood Insurance Program, Statement to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs, Washington, DC, 4 pp.

  53. Leatherman, S.P., 1993. Sea Level Rise Atlas for the U.S. Coast, Technical Report, W. Alton Jones Foundation, 60 pp.

  54. Leatherman, S.P., 1992. Coastal Erosion Zone Delineation and Management Implications, Proceedings of the National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, St. Petersburg, FL, pp. 442-458.

  55. Leatherman, S.P., French, G., and Crowell, M., 1992. Historical Shoreline Mapping: Procedure and Accuracy Assessment, FEMA Technical Report, Washington, DC, 42 pp.

  56. Leatherman, S.P., 1992. Sea Level and Society, Proceedings of International Conference of Climatic Impacts on the Environment and Society, Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 39-43.

  57. Leatherman, S.P., 1992. The National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1992, S.2907, Statement to U.S. Senate Committee on Housing and Urban Affairs, Washington, DC, 5 pp.

  58. Leatherman, S.P., 1992. The Rising Tide: Global Warming and World Sea Levels, Book Review in Environment, V. 34, No. 9.

  59. Galgano, F.A., and Leatherman, S.P., 1991. Shoreline Change Analysis: A Case Study, Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 91, ASCE, pp. 1043-1053.

  60. Leatherman, S.P., and Nicholls, R.J., 1991. Difficulties in Measuring and Predicting Sea-Level Rise, Proceedings of the International Conference on Oceans, Climate, and Man, San Paolo Foundation, Turin, Italy.

  61. Crowell, M., Leatherman, S.P., and Buckley, M., 1990. Accuracy of Historical Shoreline Change Maps, Proceedings of the Association of State Floodplain Managers, 14th Annual Conference, pp. 182-185.

  62. Leatherman, S.P., 1990. Implications of Climate Change, Proceedings of South Carolina Sea Grant Program Annual Meeting, Columbia, S.C., pp. 5-7.

  63. Leatherman, S.P., 1990. U.S. Cities Subject to Sea-Level Rise, Proceedings of the Cities on the Water Conference, Roberto Frassetto, ed., Venice, Italy, pp. 104-108.

  64. Leatherman, S.P. and Weigel, R.L., 1990. Global Warming and Sea-Level Rise: Implications for Harbors and Ports, Proceedings of Sixth Terminal Operations Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 13-17.

  65. Gehrels, W.R. and Leatherman, S.P., 1989. Sea-Level Rise: Animator and Terminator of Coastal Marshes, Vance Bibliographies, Monticello, IL, 39 pp.

  66. Maurmeyer, E. and Leatherman, S.P., 1989. Geomorphology and Shore Processes along the Maryland and Delaware Coasts, International Geological Congress Field Trip Guide, Washington, DC, 20 pp.

  67. Leatherman, S.P., 1989. Beach Response Strategies to Accelerated Sea Level Rise, Proceedings of the Second North American Conference on Preparing for Climate Change, The Climate Institute, Washington, DC, pp. 353-358.

  68. Leatherman, S.P., 1989. Impact of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Environments, Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate and Man, Turin, Italy.

  69. Leatherman, S.P. and Gaunt, C.H., 1989. National Assessment of Beach Nourishment Requirements Associated with Accelerated Sea-Level Rise, Proceedings of Coastal Zone 89, ASCE, Charleston, S.C., pp. 1978-1993.

  70. Leatherman, S.P., 1988. Impact of Climate-Induced Sea Level Rise on Coastal Areas, U.S. Senate Publication, Washington, D.C., 4 pp.

  71. Leatherman, S.P. and Steiner, A.J., 1987. An Annotated Bibliography of the Effects of Off-Road Vehicle and Pedestrian Traffic on Coastal Ecosystems, Vance Bibliographies, Monticello, IL, 70 pp.

  72. Oertel, G.F. and Leatherman, S.P., 1987. Barrier Island Processes and Environments of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, in Geological Society of American Guidebook, Southeastern Section, Norfolk, VA, pp. 179-188.

  73. Leatherman, S.P., Dean, R.G., Everts, C.E., and Fulford, E., 1987. Shoreline and Sediment Budget Analysis of North Assateague Island, Maryland, Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 87, ASCE, pp. 1460-1471.

  74. Leatherman, S.P. and Allen, J.R., 1986. Geomorphic Analysis of the South Shore of Long Island, New York, NPS Scientific Monograph, 350 pp.

  75. Leatherman, S.P., 1986. Coastal Geomorphic Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Coasts of South America, Proceedings of United Nations Environmental Program Conference, Washington, DC, pp. 73-82.

  76. Leatherman, S.P., 1986. Effect of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Ecosystems, U.S. Senate Publication S HRG. 99-723, Washington, DC, pp. 141-153.

  77. Leatherman, S.P., 1986. Shoreline Response to Sea-Level Rise: Ocean City, MD, Proceedings of Icelandic Conference on Coasts and Rivers, Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 267-276.

  78. Leatherman, S.P. and others, 1986. Hurricane Diana, North Carolina, Sept. 10-14, 1984, Committee on Natural Disasters, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 108 pp.

  79. Leatherman, S.P., 1985. Barrier Island Migration: An Annotated Bibliography, Vance Bibliographies, Monticello, IL, 54 pp.

  80. Leatherman, S.P., 1985. Coastal Geomorphic Responses to Accelerated Sea Level Rise: Ocean City, Maryland, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Report, Washington, DC, 23 pp.

  81. Clow, B. and Leatherman, S.P., 1984. Metric Mapping: An Automated Technique of Shoreline Mapping, Proceedings of American Society of Photogrammetry, Washington, DC, pp. 309-318.

  82. Leatherman, S.P. and Dubois, R., 1984. Coastal Environments of Maryland and Delaware, Association of American Geographers, Annual Field Trip Guidebook, Washington, DC, pp. 22-35.

  83. Bresee, S. and Leatherman, S.P., 1984. An Analysis of Shoreface Morpho- dynamics: Ocean City, MD, Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 29 pp.

  84. Zaremba, R.E. and Leatherman, S.P., 1984. Overwash Processes and Foredune Ecology, Nauset Spit, Massachusetts, U.S. Army Waterway Experiment Station Coastal Engineering Research Center, Misc. Paper EL- 84-8, 232 pp.

  85. Kearney, M.S., Leatherman, S.P., and Wong, G.J.F., 1983. Recent Vertical Marsh Accretion Rates at Blackwater Wildlife Refuge, Maryland Water Resources Research Center Report No. 78, College Park, MD, 43 pp.

  86. Leatherman, S.P., 1983. Historical and Projected Shoreline Changes, Ocean City and North Assateague Island, Maryland, Maryland Water Resources Research Center Report No. 79, College Park, MD, 39 pp.

  87. Leatherman, S.P., Kearney, M.S., and Clow, B., 1983. Assessment of Coastal Responses to Projected Sea Level Rise: Galveston Island and Bay, Texas, Final Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 116 pp.

  88. Leatherman, S.P., 1983. Coastal Hazards Mapping on Barrier Islands, Proceedings of National Symposium on Preventing Coastal Flood Disasters, Natural Hazards Res. & Appl. Spec. Publ. #7, Boulder, CO, pp. 165-175.

  89. Leatherman, S.P., 1983. Geomorphic Effects of Projected Sea Level Rise: A Case Study of Galveston Bay, Texas. Proceedings of Coastal Zone 83, ASCE, San Diego, CA, pp. 2890-2901.

  90. Leatherman, S.P., 1983. Historical and Projected Shoreline Mapping. Proceedings of Coastal Zone 83, ASCE, San Diego, CA, pp. 2902-2910.

  91. Leatherman, S.P., 1982. Non-Structural Approach to Coastal Problems, Proceedings of Barrier Island Forum and Workshop, National Park Service, Provincetown, MA, pp. 139-147.

  92. Leatherman, S.P., 1982. Pedestrian Impacts: Assateague Island, Proceedings of Barrier Island Forum and Workshop, National Park Service, Provincetown, MA, pp. 83-88.

  93. Anders, F.J. and Leatherman, S.P., 1981. Effects of Off-Road Vehicles on the Beaches and Dunes of Fire Island National Seashore, NPSCRU Final Report, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 176 pp.

  94. Leatherman, S.P., 1981. Prehistoric Environmental Characteristics of Pamet River Valley and Nauset Marsh, NPSCRU Report No. 51, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 21 pp.

  95. Leatherman, S.P. and others, 1981. Identification and Selection of Coastal Biosphere Reserves, United States Man and Biosphere Program, Washington, DC, 30 pp.

  96. Leatherman, S.P ., Giese, G., and O'Donnell, P ., 1981. Historical Cliff Erosion of Outer Cape Cod, NPSCRU Report No. 53, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 50 pp.

  97. Madore, C. and Leatherman, S.P., 1981. Dune Stabilization of the Province Lands, Cape Cod National Seashore, NPSCRU Report No. 52, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 59 pp.

  98. Leatherman, S.P. and Joneja, D., 1980. Geomorphic Analysis of South Shore of Long Island Barriers, Phase I. NPSCRU Report No. 47, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 161 pp.

  99. O'Donnell, P . and Leatherman, S.P ., 1980. Generalized Maps and Geomorphic Reconstruction of Outer Cape Cod Between 12,000 BP and 500 BP, NPSCRU Report No. 49, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 57 pp.

  100. Leatherman, S.P., 1980. Barrier Island Management. Proceedings of Coastal Zone 80, ASCE, Miami, FL, pp. 1470-1480.

  101. Leatherman, S.P., 1980. Scientific Input for Barrier Island Management, Coastal Society Proceedings, Washington, DC, pp. 9-11.

  102. Leatherman, S.P. and Godfrey, P.J., 1979. The Impact of Off-Road Vehicles on Coastal Ecosystems in Cape Cod National Seashore: An Overview. NPSCRU Report No. 34, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 34 pp.

  103. Palmer, J.F. and Leatherman, S.P., 1979. Off-Road Vehicle Usage on Federally Managed Coastal Parklands. NPSCRU Report No. 46, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 59 pp.

  104. Steiner, A.J. and Leatherman, S.P., 1979. Environmental Effects of Recreational Usage on Dune and Beach Ecosystems of Assateague Island, NPSCRU Report No. 44, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 101 pp.

  105. Godfrey, P.J., Leatherman, S.P. and Buckley, P.A., 1978. Impact of Off- Road Vehicles on Coastal Ecosystems, Proceedings of Coastal Zone 78 Symposium, ASCE, San Francisco, CA, pp. 581-600.

  106. Leatherman, S.P., Godfrey, P.J. and Buckley, P.A., 1978. Management Strategies for National Seashores. Proceedings of Coastal Zone 78 Symposium, ASCE, San Francisco, CA, pp. 322-337.

  107. Benedict, M.A. and Leatherman, S.P., 1978. Investigation of the Geobotanical Evolution of Provincetown Peninsula. NPSCRU Report No. 38, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 56 pp.

  108. Leatherman, S.P. and others, 1978. Summary of Recommendations for Ocean Beach, San Francisco, CA, National Park Service Report, 11 pp.

  109. Zaremba, R.E., Godfrey, P.J., and Leatherman, S.P., 1978. The Ecological Effects on Off-Road Vehicles on the Beach/Backshore Drift Line Zone in Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts. NPSCRU Report No. 29, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 79 pp.

  110. Leatherman, S.P., 1977. Assateague Island: A Case Study of Barrier Island Dynamics. Proceedings of the First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, New Orleans, LA, pp. 769-775.

  111. Leatherman, S.P., 1977. Overwash Hydraulics and Sediment Transport. Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 77 Symposium, ASCE, Charleston, S.C., pp. 135-148.

  112. Leatherman, S.P., 1977. The Effects of Off-Road Vehicles on the Geomorphology of Dunes in Cape Cod National Seashore, Proceedings of the First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1119-1124.

  113. Leatherman, S.P., 1977. Physiography of Fire Island National Seashore in Natural Resource Management Plans, National Park Service Report, Boston, MA, 45 pp.

  114. Leatherman, S.P., 1976. Barrier Island Dynamics: Overwash Processes and Aeolian Transport. Proceedings of the 15th International Coastal Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 1958-1974.

  115. Leonard, J.E., Fisher, J.S., Leatherman, S.P. and Godfrey, P.J., 1976. Coastal Geology and Geomorphology of Cape Cod, in Cameron, B. (ed.), Geology of Southeastern New England, New England Inter-Collegiate Geological Conference Proceedings, Boston, MA, pp. 224-264.

  116. Fisher, J.S., Leatherman, S.P. and Perry, F.C., 1974. Overwash Processes on Assateague Island, Proceedings of the 14th International Coastal Engineering Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 1194-1212.


Professional Papers Presented

  1. “Rip Current Science and Water Safety,” American Shore & Beach Preservation Association Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, October 26, 2017.

  2. “Coastal Development and Hazard Management: Case Study of Miami Beach, Florida,” International Conference on Coastal Cities Management, Rabat, Morocco, October 24, 2016.

  3. “Rip Currents: Types and Identification,” Geological Society of American Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, September 28, 2016.

  4. “Rip Currents and Beach Safety,” Costa Rica Workshop on Rip Currents, Jaco Beach, Costa Rica, July 14, 2014.

  5. “Science and Threat Communication,” 3rd International Rip Current Symposium, Haeundae Beach, South Korea, June 23, 2014.

  6. “Hurricane Impacts,” MIT Global Change Forum, Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, Florida, January 30, 2014.

  7. “Living with Coastal Hazards,” SEAS Ocean Life Series, Key Largo, Florida, July 19, 2013.

  8. “Beach Quality and Ratings,” National Conference on Clean Beaches, Acapulco, Mexico, June 20, 2013.

  9. “Our Changing Shorelines,” The Southampton Association Public Policy Forum, Southampton, New York, May 4, 2013.

  10. “United States Beach Quality and Ratings,” VIII Encurentro Nacional Playas Limpias, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, October 5, 2012.

  11. “Keynote Address on Rip Currents,” 2nd International Rip Current Symposium, Sydney, Australia, October 30, 2012.

  12. “Not All Rip Currents Are Alike,” National Drowning Prevention Association Annual Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, March 15, 2012.

  13. “Implications of Sea Level Rise for Low-Lying Coastal Areas,” Climate Change Conference, Veracruz, Mexico, September 21, 2011.

  14. “Rip Currents: A Major Coastal Hazard and Public Safety Challenge,” International Conference on Solutions to Coastal Disasters, American Society of Civil Engineers, Anchorage, Alaska, June 29, 2011.

  15. “Rip Currents: Research and Outreach,” Coastal Sediments 2011, Miami, Florida, May 5, 2011

  16. “Oil Spills and Hurricanes,” Environmental Summit, Florida Coastal School of Law and Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Florida, November 4, 2010.

  17. “Weather Safety, Water-Based Recreational Activity and Rip Currents,” International Boating & Water Safety Summit, Daytona Beach, Florida, March 30, 2010.

  18. “Beach Ratings and Rip Currents,” Florida Sea Grant Sponsored Mini- Workshop on Beach Safety, Panama City Beach, Florida, February 22, 2010.

  19. “Rip Currents: Terminology and Pro-Active Management,” 1st International Rip Current Symposium, Miami, Florida, February 18, 2010.

  20. “What Makes a Great Beach,” Western Australia Coastal Conference, Perth, Australia, October 8, 2009.

  21. “Beach Quality Evaluations and Ratings,” Great Lakes Coastal Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 30, 2009.

  22. “Coastal Water and Beach Quality,” US EPA National Beach Conference, Huntington Beach, California, April 21, 2009.

  23. “Killer Currents and Public Policy,” National Drowning Prevention Association, Miami Beach, Florida, February 24, 2009.

  24. “Wall of Wind Full Scale Destructive Testing of Coastal Houses and Hurricane Damage Mitigation,” Coastal Cities Summit, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg Beach, FL, November 18,2008.

  25. “Changing Climate and Possible Impacts,” Coastal Storms Workshop, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, November 14, 2008.

  26. “Sea Level Rise and Coastal Demographics Keynote Address,” Impacts of Climate Changes on the North Carolina Coast, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, October 17,2008.

  27. “The National Hurricane Research Initiative Act,” U.S. Congressional Committee, Washington, DC, June 26, 2008.

  28. “Solutions to Coastal Disasters Conference,” American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Coastal Hazards Conference, Honolulu, HI, April 14, 2008.

  29. “2008 AIR Catastrophe Modeling Conference,” AIR World Wide Corporation, Coronado, San Diego, CA, April 6, 2008.

  30. “Sea Level Rise Impacts,” Climate Change: State of Sciences and Adapting to the Inevitable, New York Academy of Science, New York, NY,
    January 29, 2008.

  31. “IHRC: The Coastal Agenda,” Florida Coastal Ocean Observing System Consortium F-I-U, Miami, FL, November 27, 2007.

  32. “The Hurricane Simulator,” Annual Founders’ Day Workshop, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, November 10,2007

  33. “Wall of Wind: Hurricane Research and Insurance,” American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 137 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, November 1, 2007.

  34. “New Technologies and Emerging Mitigation Solutions,” Annual Meeting of the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Atlanta, GA, October 30, 2007.

  35. “Hurricane Impact Forecasting and Mitigation,” Seminar Series, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC, October 24, 2007.

  36. “Wall of Wind: Technical Session on Full-Scale Testing,” Natural Hazards Workshop, Boulder, CO, July 9, 2007.

  37. “RenaissanceRe Wall of Wind Full-Scale Destructive Testing,” Insurance Industry Executives, Florida International University, Miami, FL, June 27, 2007.

  38. “Wall of Wind Initiative,” Chinese Delegation of Emergency Management Executives, Florida International University, Miami, FL, May 28, 2007.

  39. “Wall of Wind Testing Results and Findings,” RCMP Governor Advisory Board/Florida Division of Emergency Management Meeting, Gainesville, FL, May 23, 2007.

  40. “Wall of Wind: New Technology for Hurricane Damage Mitigation,” Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, FL, May 19, 2007.

  41. “Wall of Wind: The Hurricane Simulator,” Stony Brook University, Southampton, NY, May 10, 2007.

  42. “WoW: Wall of Wind Impact Test Facility,” Bahamas Weather Conference, Nassau, Bahamas, April 19, 2007.

  43. “Wall of Wind: Research Applications,” Roofing Contractors Association of South Florida, Pembroke Pines, FL, March 21, 2007.

  44. “Windstorm Mitigation Study Committee, Building a Stronger Tomorrow Mitigation Research, Wall of Wind Full-Scale Testing and New Technologies,” State of Florida Windstorm Committee, Tallahassee, FL, February 15, 2007.

  45. “Hurricane Research at the IHRC,” Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, November 16, 2006.

  46. “Increasing the Resilience of Our Coasts,” Climate Institute Symposium, Washington, D.C., September 19, 2006.

  47. “Wall of Wind Testing,” RCMP Governor Advisory Board/ Florida Division of Emergency Management Meeting, Tallahassee, FL, July 30, 2006.

  48. “New Technology for Building Better: The Wall of Wind,” Kiwanis Club, Homestead, FL, May 10, 2006.

  49. “Building a Stronger Tomorrow,” Greater Miami Society for Human Resource Management, Miami, FL, April18, 2006.

  50. “Hurricane Impact Forecast,” Coudert Institute, Palm Beach, FL, March 31, 2006.

  51. “Hurricane Katrina: Analysis of a Disaster,” Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 10, 2006.

  52. “Wall of Wind and Hurricane Damage Mitigation, “Business Continuity Planning Forum, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Miami, FL, February 2, 2006.

  53. “Florida’s Foursome Fearsome,” Natural Hazards Workshop, Boulder, CO, July 12, 2005.

  54. “Hurricane Prediction, Impacts and Mitigation,” Emergency Management Conference on Natural Disasters, Hauppage, NY, June 1, 2005.

  55. “Research Projects at the International Hurricane Research Center,” Governor’s Hurricane Conference, Tampa, FL, May 13, 2005.

  56. “Hurricanes and Economic Impacts,” Florida Council of 100 Top CEOs, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, May 6, 2005.

  57. “Lessons Learned from Hurricane Swarm of 2004,” Roundtable on Natural Disasters, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, March 8, 2005.

  58. “Beaches: Past, Present and Future,” 4th Annual Environmental Ethics Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, February 11, 2005.

  59. “Hurricane Isabel Storm Surge Modeling and Prediction,” Hurricane Isabel in Perspective Workshop, Linthicum Heights, MD, November 16, 2004.

  60. “Land-falling Hurricanes and Grand Challenges,” Roundtable on Natural Hazards, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, October 28, 2004.

  61. “The Hurricane that Missed the Hamptons,” Rogers Memorial Library, Southampton, NY, July 7, 2004.

  62. “Beach Erosion and Hurricane Storm Surges,” 8th Annual Weather Conference, Grand Bahamas, April 2, 2004.

  63. “Airborne LIDAR Applied to Coastal Geomorphology,” Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, PA, March 18, 2004.

  64. “Coastal Hazard Management,” Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, PA, March 17, 2004.

  65. “Airborne LIDAR and Hurricane Storm Surge Modeling,” International Remote Sensing Conference, Honolulu, HI, November 12, 2003.

  66. “Healthy Beaches: Ratings and Certifications,” American Shore and Beach Preservation Association Annual Meeting, Wilmington, NC, September 26, 2003.

  67. “Hurricane Storm Surge Modeling and Computer Animation, “Natural Hazards Workshop, Boulder, CO, July 10, 2003.

  68. “Drivers of Coastal Erosion,” Coastal Sediments ’03 Conference, Clearwater, FL, May 23, 2003.

  69. “Global Change and Sea Level Rise Impacts, “Washington College, Chestertown, MD, April 25, 2003.

  70. “Hurricane Impact Mapping,” Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, LA, March 6, 2003.

  71. “Beach Quality, Columbus Dispatch Charities Show, Columbus, OH, February 15, 2003.

  72. “Hurricane Impact Modeling and Mitigation,” Briefing for Florida Congressional Delegation, Washington, DC, January 15, 2003.

  73. “Shoreline Monitoring and Modeling,” Puerto Rico Sea Grant Workshop, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 6, 2002.

  74. “Beach Processes and Geomorphology,” Biscayne Bay Center, Crandon Park, FL, November 1, 2002.

  75. “Application of Airborne Laser Mapping to Hurricane Storm Surge Analysis,” Natural Hazards Workshop, Boulder, CO, July 15, 2002.

  76. “Applications of Airborne Laser Technology to Hurricane Storm Surge Mapping and Coastal Evacuation,” Briefing for Governor and Emergency Management Director, Columbia, SC, July 1, 2002.

  77. “A National Hurricane Hazards Reduction Act: U.S. Congressional Initiatives,” Hurricane Andrew 10-Year Anniversary Summit, Miami, FL, May 31, 2002.

  78. “Hurricane Impact Modeling and Mitigation,” Briefing for Florida Congressional Delegation, Washington, DC, May 15, 2002.

  79. “Shoreline Change Mapping and Management along the U.S. East Coast,” NOAA Shoreline Change Conference, Charleston, SC, May 7, 2002.

  80. “Hurricane Impact Mapping,” Coastal Disasters Conference, San Diego, CA, February 25, 2002.

  81. “Sea Level Rise and Coastal Disasters,” Natural Hazards Roundtable, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, October 25, 2002.

  82. “Rising Sea Level and Coastal Impacts,” Annual Meeting Soil and Water Conservation Society, Myrtle Beach, SC, August 6, 2002.

  83. “Advances in Airborne Laser Mapping,” National Science Foundation Workshop on Remote Sensing Technological Advancements, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, July 24, 2002.

  84. “Airborne Laser Applications to Hurricane Storm Surge Mapping in South Florida,” Natural Hazards Workshop, Boulder, CO, July 15, 2002.

  85. “National Hurricane Hazard Reduction Act,” Florida Congressional Briefing, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC, June 13, 2001.

  86. “Hurricane Hazards for Long Island, New York,” June 9, 2001, New York State Marine Education Association, Southampton, NY, June 9, 2001.

  87. “Hurricane Mitigation Research,” The Weather Channel Forum on Hurricane Preparedness and Response, Washington, DC, June 6, 2001.

  88. “Coastal Management and Restoration,“ Marine Sciences Seminar Series, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, April 30, 2001.

  89. “Scientific Criteria for Rating Beaches,” International Oil Spill Conference, Tampa, FL, March 29, 2001.

  90. “Coastal Erosion Hazards Report to the U.S. Congress,” American Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, February 16, 2001.

  91. “Airborne Laser Technology Applied to Hurricane Storm Surge Mapping,” Florida Emergency Preparedness Association, Panama City Beach, FL, January 17, 2001.

  92. “Research Initiatives at the International Hurricane Center,” Reinsurance Association of America, Annual Meeting, New York, NY, January 9, 2001.

  93. “Beach Erosion Studies on Tropical Islands,” International Conference on Carbonate Shorelines, Key Largo, FL, December 7, 2000.

  94. “Technological Advances in Coastal Research,” National Science Foundation.

  95. Coastal Processes Forum, Rice University, Houston, TX, November 2, 2000.

  96. “Future of America’s Coasts,” October 12, 2000, VIP Dinner Presentation at Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman’s Home, New York City, NY.

  97. “Coastal Erosion Hazards: Report to the U.S. Congress,” National Beach Preservation Conference, Maui, HI, August 8, 2000.

  98. “LIDAR Applications to Hurricane Research and Mitigation,” American Meteorological Society, National Hurricane Center, Miami, FL, July 20, 2000.

  99. “Evaluation of Erosion Hazards: Report to the U.S. Congress,” Natural Hazards Workshop, Boulder, CO, July 11, 2000.

  100. “Multi-disciplinary Research at the International Hurricane Center,” Natural Hazards Workshop, Boulder, CO, July 10, 2000.

  101. “Application of Airborne Laser Technology to Hurricane Storm Surge Mapping,” South Florida Hurricane Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 24, 2000.

  102. “Proposed Rainfall Index for Tropical Storms,” Roundtable on Rainfall Index, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, May 10, 2000.

  103. “Hurricanes and Beach Erosion: A Historical Perspective,” Bridgehampton National Bank Roundtable, Bridgehampton, NY, May 8, 2000.

  104. “National Hurricane Hazard Reduction Act,” U.S. Hurricane Researchers Workshop, Florida International University, Miami, FL, February 25, 2000.

  105. “Hurricane Storm Surge Mapping Using Advanced Technology,” Hurricane Researchers Workshop, Florida International University, Miami, FL, November 30, 1999.

  106. “Sea Level Rise and Society,” NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, June 10, 1999.

  107. “Impact of Sea Level Rise on South Florida,” EPA Workshop on Climate Change: What Does It Mean for South Florida? Miami, FL, May 26, 1999.

  108. “The International Hurricane Center: Initiatives and Future Directions,” U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg, FL, May 24, 1999.

  109. “Hurricane Impact Research Initiatives,” NOAA Hurricane Research Division, Virginia Key, FL, January 29, 1999.

  110. “Coastal Response Module Development for U.S. East and Gulf Coasts,” Climate Change Workshop, The Climate Institute, Miami, FL, December 2, 1998.

  111. “South Atlantic and Caribbean Island Impacts,” U.S. National Assessment of Global Warming Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, October 30, 1998.

  112. “Sea Level Rise and Coastal Response,” Global Warming and Extreme Events Workshop, NOAA Office of Global Programs, Miami, FL, July 1998.

  113. “Coastal Hazards along U.S. East Coast,” National Oceans Conference, Monterrey, CA, June 12, 1998.

  114. “The International Hurricane Center,” International Coastal Symposium, Palm Beach, FL, May 21, 1998.

  115. “The High-Water Line as a Shoreline Indicator for Coastal Mapping,” International Coastal Symposium, Palm Beach, FL, May 20, 1998.

  116. “Sea Level Rise and Coastal Impacts for U.S. Northeast Coast,” The Climate Institute Forum, Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 3, 1998.

  117. “Coastal Hazard Research,” NOAA Director’s Science Seminar Series, Silver Spring, MD, July 11, 1997.

  118. “Coastal Hazard Analysis Using Airborne Laser Technology, “NASA- Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, June 13, 1997.

  119. “Sea Level Rise and Coastal Vulnerability, “American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 27, 1997.

  120. "GPS Applications to Coastal Science and Engineering" GPS/GIS '97 Conference, Annapolis, MD, May 15, 1997.

  121. “Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping of Delaware’s Atlantic Coast, “National Coastal Program Managers Annual Meeting, Pentagon City, VA, April 16, 1997.

  122. “America’s Best Beaches,” International Oil Spill Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, April 10, 1997.

  123. "The State of our Coasts," California and World Coastal Conference, San Diego, CA, March 25, 1997.

  124. "Vulnerability of Small Island Nations to Sea Level Rise and Hurricane Impact," UNEP Workshop, Antigua, January 6, 1997.

  125. "The Loss of Land and Natural Shores as Sea Level Rises, Chesapeake Bay at the Crossroads Workshop, Washington College, Chestertown, MD, October 18, 1996.

  126. "How are Coastal Areas of the U.S. and the World Vulnerable to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise? " Washington Summit on Protection of the World's Climate, The Climate Institute, Washington, DC, September 4, 1996.

  127. "Coastal Research Frontiers in Science and Engineering," President's Circle, National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering, Woods Hole, MA, June 15-16, 1996.

  128. "Coastal Hazards: National Policy Issues," NOAA National Coastal Program Managers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, March 20, 1996.

  129. "Coastal Processes Research Along the U.S. East Coast," Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, NC, April 11, 1996.

  130. "Sea Level Rise and Small Island Nations," Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Baltimore, MD, February 13, 1996.

  131. "Impact of Climate Change on Small Island States," International Conference on Developing Countries, Manila, Philippines, January 18, 1996.

  132. "Erosion Rate Analysis Applied to the National Flood Insurance Program: A Case Study of Delaware's Atlantic Coast," FEMA National Mitigation Conference, Arlington, VA, December 5, 1995.

  133. "Beach Safety: Waves and Currents," Annual Meeting of Mid-Atlantic United States Lifesaving Association, Alexandria, VA, May 5, 1995.

  134. "Vulnerability of Coastal Populations to Sea-Level Rise in Developing Countries," Conference on Environmental Refugees, Green College, Oxford University, Oxford, England, February 28, 1995.

  135. "Approaches to Coastal Vulnerability Analysis and Integrated Coastal Zone Management," East-West Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, February 1, 1995.

  136. "Coastal Vulnerability Analysis for Small Island States," U.S. Country Studies Program Workshop, Kosrae Island, Micronesia, January 5, 1995.

  137. "Effects of Sea-Level Rise and Antecedent Topography on Vertical and Lateral Migration of Coastal Wetlands," Second Coastal Wetland Ecology and Management Symposium, Key Largo, FL, December 6, 1994.

  138. "Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Areas," Annual Meeting of Southeast Division of the Association of American Geographers, Virginia Beach, VA, November 20, 1994.

  139. "Global Implications of Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Impacts," Annual Banquet of Association of Meteorologists, College Park, MD, November 18, 1994.

  140. "Beach Quality: An Assessment of America's Beaches," Annual Meeting of the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association, Virginia Beach, VA, October 6, 1994.

  141. "Integrated Impacts of Global Change in the Coastal Zone," Global Change Institute, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Snowmass, CO, July 22, 1994.

  142. "Approaches to Coastal Vulnerability Analysis," U.S. Country Studies Program Workshop, San Jose, Costa Rica, May 20, 1994.

  143. "The Coastal Collision Course -- Rising Sea Levels and Growing Coastal Populations," Annual Banquet, Sigma Xi University of Maryland Chapter, College Park, MD, April 28, 1994.

  144. "Beach Protection and Development: Challenges for the United States into the 21st Century," Florida Sea Grant Seminar Series, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL, March 11, 1994.

  145. "Modes of Shoreline Behavior: Erosion Rate Analysis Using Geomorphic Principles," International Coastal Symposium, Hilton Head Island, SC, June 8, 1993.

  146. "Implications of Sea-Level Rise: An International Assessment of Developing Countries," International Geographical Congress, Washington, DC, August 12, 1992.

  147. "Coastal Geomorphology: Scientific Progress and Research Directions," National Academy of Sciences, Woods Hole, MA, June 26, 1992.

  148. "Impact of Sea Level Rise on South America," Marquarita Island, Venezuela, March 11, 1992.

  149. "Impact of Sea Level Rise on Island Nations," Ambassador Seminar on Sea Level Rise and Developing Countries, The United Nations, New York, NY, February 14, 1992.

  150. "Sea Level Rise and Coastal Impacts: A National Perspective," Presidential Candidates Forum on Global Warming," Tallahassee, FL, February 2, 1992.

  151. "Difficulties in Measuring and Predicting Sea Level Rise," International Conference on Oceans, Climate, and Man, Turin, Italy, May 1991.

  152. "Sea Level and Society," International Conference on Climatic Impacts on the Environment and Society, Tsukuba, Japan, February 1991.

  153. "Impacts of Hurricane Hugo on the South Carolina Coast," International Symposium on Coastal Geomorphology and Engineering, Skagen, Denmark, September 1990.

  154. "Managing Coastal Erosion: Implications for the Maryland Coast," Maryland Coastal Resources Advisory Committee, St. Michaels, MD, August 1990.

  155. "Sea Level Rise and Temperate Coastal Landforms," Conference on Geomorphology and Global Warming, Royal Geographical Society, London, England, May 1990.

  156. "The Greenhouse Effect: Fact and Fiction," Splint Club Seminar Series, University of Maryland Medical School, Baltimore, MD, April 1990.

  157. "Global Warming, Sea Level Rise, and Coastal Impacts," Worldwide Port and Terminal Operations Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 1990.

  158. "The Geomorphic Effects of Hurricane Hugo Impact along the South Carolina Coast," National Science Foundation Special Symposium on Hurricane Hugo, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, March 1990.

  159. "Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Barrier Beaches, American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, January 1990.

  160. "Implications of Climate Change," South Carolina Sea Grant Program Annual Meeting, Columbia, SC, January 1990.

  161. "Global Warming and Sea Level Rise," World Conference on Preparing for Climate Change, Cairo, Egypt, December 1989.

  162. "Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on U.S. Coastal Cities," International Conference of Cities on the Water, Venice, Italy, December 1989.

  163. "Sea Level Rise and Environmental Refugees," Our Changing Atmosphere: Sources of Stress and Challenges to Cooperation, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, MA, November 1989.

  164. "Global Climate Change and Societal Response: The Coastal Challenge," Sundance Symposium on Greenhouse-Glasnost, Sundance, Utah, August 1989.

  165. "Coastal Implications of Global Warming," American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 1989.

  166. "The Changing Shore," A Vineyard Symposium on Our Coast in Danger, The Nathan Mayhew Seminars, Martha's Vineyard, MA, July 1989.

  167. "National Assessment of Beach Nourishment Requirements with Accelerated Sea Level Rise," Coastal Zone 89, ASCE, Charleston, SC, July 1989.

  168. "Implications of Climate-Induced Sea Level on the United States Coastline," National Governor's Association Conference, New York, NY, February 1989.

  169. "The Impact of Sea Level Rise," International Conference on Atmosphere, Climate and Man, Turin, Italy, January 1989.

  170. "Consequences of Global Warming: The Sea Level Rise Impact," U.S. Congressional Staff Seminar on Climate Change, World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, January 1989.

  171. "Limitations of Fortifications and Beach Nourishment Strategy," Second North American Conference on Preparing for Climatic Change: A Cooperative Approach, Washington, DC, December 1988.

  172. "Likely Sea Level Rise," Keynote Address, Second North American Conference on Preparing for Climate Change: A Cooperative Approach, Washington, DC, December 1988.

  173. "Impacts of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise on Beaches and Coastal Wetlands," Global Climate Change Linkages: Acid Rain, Air Quality and Stratospheric Ozone, Washington, DC, November 1988.

  174. "Global Climate Change and Rising Sea Levels," International Symposium on the Greenhouse Effect, The United Nations, NY, June 1988.

  175. “Sciences and Research in the National Seashores," Protecting and Planning for Parks of the Future, Annual Conference of the National Parks and Conservation Association, Washington, DC, March 1988.

  176. "Implications of Sea-Level Rise on Third World Coastal Projects," Climate Institute Symposium, Washington, DC, March 1988.

  177. "Greenhouse Effect and Its Implications for Coastal Regions," The Population Institute Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, February 1988.

  178. "Global Rise in Sea Level," Marine Technology Society Meeting, Washington, DC, January 1988.

  179. "Responding to Changing Water Levels," Coastal Managers Meeting, National Office of Coastal Zone Management, Nags Head, NC, September 1987.

  180. "Environmental Impacts of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise on Developing Countries," United Nations Environmental Program, Norwich, England, September 1987.

  181. "Shore Responses to Sea Level Rise," International Geological Correlation Programme and NATO Advanced Study Institute, Halifax, Canada, July 1987.

  182. "Shoreline and Sediment Budget Analysis of Ocean City Inlet Area, Maryland," Coastal Sediments 87, ASCE, New Orleans, LA, May 1987.

  183. "Time Frames for Barrier Island Migration," O'Brien Special Symposium, American Shore & Beach Preservation Association, University of California, Berkeley, CA, March 1987.

  184. "Geomorphic Effects of Sea Level Rise on the South Shore Barriers of Long Island, New York," Sea Level Rise Symposium, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, March 1987.

  185. "Barrier Evolution in Response to Sea Level Rise," Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Norfolk, VA, March 1987.

  186. “Remote Sensing of Coastal Environments,” Goddard Scientific Colloquium, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, October 24, 1986.

  187. "Coastal Geomorphic Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Coasts of South America," United Nations Environmental Programme Conference, Washington, DC, June 1986.

  188. "Response of Sandy Shores to Sea-Level Rise," American Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May 1986.

  189. "Accelerated Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Response: Causes and Projections," International Geological Correlation Program Conference, Cork, Ireland, March 1986.

  190. "Predicting Shore Erosion: Implications for Ocean City, Maryland," International Geological Correlation Program Conference, Cork, Ireland, March 1986.

  191. "Barrier Island Dynamics," National University of Mar de Plata, Mar de Plata, Argentina, November 1985.

  192. “Storm-Generated Coastal Processes,” International Seminar Series, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 1985.

  193. "Barrier Island Processes and Management,” Minerals Management Service Technology Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 1985.

  194. "Shoreline Response to Sea-Level Rise: Ocean City, Maryland," Symposium on Coasts and Rivers, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 1985.

  195. "Shoreline Evolution, Ocean City Inlet Area, Maryland," Coastal Zone 85, ASCE, Baltimore, MD, August 1985.

  196. "Approaches to Coastal Hazard Analysis," Cities on the Beach Workshop, Virginia Beach, VA, January 1985.

  197. "Role of Overwash Processes in Barrier Island Migration," Barrier Island Workshop, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers National Assessment, Nags Head, NC, November 1984.

  198. "Effects of Ocean City Inlet Jetties on the Adjacent Shorelines," International Geographical Congress, Paris, France, August 1984.

  199. "Geomorphic and Stratigraphic Analysis of South Shore Barriers of Long Island, N.Y.," Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 1984.

  200. "Shoreline Change and Coastal Environments Mapping: A Comparison of Techniques," American Society of Photogrammetry, Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, March 1984.

  201. "Barrier Island Evolution in Response to Sea Level Rise," Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, March 1983.

  202. "New, Automated Technique of Historical Shoreline Mapping," Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 1982.

  203. "Geomorphic and Sedimentary Analysis of Fire Island, New York," Geological Society of America, Northeast-Southeast Meeting, Washington, DC, March 1982.

  204. "Overwash Processes and Barrier Dynamics: Nauset Spit, Cape Cod, Massachusetts," Geological Society of America, Northeast Section Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, March 1980.

  205. "Effects of Storm Processes and Off-Road Vehicles on Barrier Dunes, Nauset Spit, Massachusetts,” International Geographic Union, Newport, RI, November 1979.

  206. "Recreational Impacts on Foredunes: Assateague Island National Seashore," NPS 2nd Scientific Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 1979.

  207. "Effects of Eroding Dunes on Swash Processes During Storm Conditions," Geological Society of America, Northeast Section Meeting, Hershey, PA, March 1979.

  208. "Barrier Dune Systems for Coastal Defenses," Coastal Engineering Geology, Annual Meeting, Southampton, England, September 1978.

  209. "Geologic Field Techniques Applied to Coastal Ecology Research," Ecological Society of America, AIBS Annual Meeting, Athens, GA, August 1978.

  210. "Sediment Grading in Overwash Deposits," AAPG-SEPM Annual Convention, Oklahoma City, OK, April 1978.

  211. “Management Strategies for National Seashores," Coastal Zone 78 Symposium, ASCE, San Francisco, CA, March 1978.

  212. “Geomorphic Effects of Off-Road Vehicles on Beaches and Dunes," Geological Society of America, Northeast Section Meeting, Boston, MA, March 1978.

  213. "Overwash Hydraulics and Sediment Transport," Coastal Sediments 77 Symposium, ASCE, Charleston, SC, November 1977.

  214. "Interpretation of Overwash Sedimentary Sequences," Geological Society of America, Northeast Section Meeting, Binghamton, NY, March 1977.

  215. "Assateague Island: A Case Study of Barrier Island Dynamics," First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, New Orleans, LA, November 1976.

  216. "Effects of Off-Road Vehicles on the Geomorphology of Dunes in Cape Cod National Seashore," First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, New Orleans, LA, November 1976.

  217. "Barrier Island Dynamics: Overwash Processes and Aeolian Transport," 15th International Coastal Engineering Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 1976.

  218. "Barrier Island Migration: An Assessment of the Overwash Process," Geological Society of America, Northeast-Southeast Meeting, Arlington, VA, March 1976.

  219. "Overwash Sedimentation on Assateague Island," Virginia Academy of Science, Harrisonburg, VA, May 1975.


Symposia, Workshops and Field Trips

Chair, 1st International Rip Current Symposium, Sponsored by Florida Sea Grant Program, Florida International University, Miami, FL, February 17-19, 2010.

Organizer and Presider, Florida Hurricane Alliance Research Program Annual Workshop, Miami, FL, 2005-2010.

Co-Chair, Florida Coastal Ocean Observing System Consortium, Florida International University, Miami, FL, November 27, 2007.

Presider, Beach Management Conference, Miami, FL, March 2-3, 2005.

Organizing Committee, Hurricane Andrew 10-Year Anniversary Summit, Miami, FL, May 30-31, 2002.

Presider, Shoreline Change Conference: National Meeting of Scientific Experts, NOAA-Coastal Services Center, Charleston, SC, May 7-9, 2002.

Co-Organizer, and Presider, Sea Level Rise and Coastal Disasters, Natural Hazards Roundtable, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, October 25, 2002.

Co-Organizer, Carbonate Beaches Workshop, Key Largo, FL, December 2000.

Chairman, Roundtable on Tropical Storm Rainfall Index, Florida International University, Miami, FL, May 10, 2000.

Chairman, Hurricane Research Initiatives, Annual Meeting of the Insurance Friends of the National Hurricane Center, Miami, FL, May 6, 2000.

Chairman, Climate Change: What Does It Mean for South Florida? U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Workshop, Miami, FL, May 26, 1999.

Chairman, Hurricane Studies Initiative for Insurance Friends Workshop, National Hurricane Center, Miami, FL, March 5, 1999.

Chairman, Workshop on Climate Change and Extreme Events, FIU International Hurricane Center, Miami, FL, July 21-23, 1998.

Chairman, Hurricane Impact Initiatives for Insurance Friends Workshop, National Hurricane Center, Miami, FL, March 1, 1998.

Co-Chair, Mapping and Managing Coastal Erosion Hazards Workshop, NOAA National Coastal Managers Annual Meeting, Pentagon City, VA, April 15-16, 1997.

Chairman, Chesapeake Bay at the Crossroads Workshop, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Chestertown, MD, October 18-19, 1996.

Chairman, FEMA Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping Workshop, College Park, MD, June 14, 1996.

Organizer and Session Chair, Mid-Atlantic Coastal Marshes, Second Coastal Wetland Ecology and Management Symposium, Key Largo, FL, December 6, 1994.

Chairman, Technical Session on Coastal Mapping and Analysis, Coastal Sediments 91 Conference, ASCE, Seattle, WA, June 1991.

Field Trip Leader, International Geological Congress, Washington, DC, August 1989.

Organizer and Convener, 14th Annual Assateague Shore and Shelf Workshop, Assateague Island, MD, April 1987.

Field Trip Leader, Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Virginia Barrier Islands, March 1987.

Chairman, Coastal Geomorphology/Engineering Specialty Group, Assateague Island Erosion Workshop, National Park Service, Berlin, MD, March 1986.

Field Trip Leader, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Maryland Atlantic Coast, April 1984.

Co-organizer and Co-convener, Barrier Island Symposium, Geological Society of America, Washington, DC, March 1982.

Organizer and Co-convener, Symposium on Barrier Island Management, Coastal Zone 80 Conference, ASCE, Hollywood, FL, November 1980.

Co-organizer and Program Committee Member, Barrier Island Forum and Workshop, National Park Service, Provincetown, MA, May 1980.

Field Trip Leader, Eastern Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Annual Field Trip, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, September 1979.

Scientific Expedition Leader, Earthwatch Field Team to Nauset Spit, Cape Cod, MA, July-August 1979.

Program Committee Member, Panel Chairman and Speaker, Barrier Beach Management Workshop, MIT Sea Grant, Provincetown, MA, May 1979.

Co-organizer, Ocean Beach Erosion Conference, Golden Gate National Recreational Area, San Francisco, CA, August 1978.

Organizer and Co-convener, Coastal Research Symposium, Geological Society of America, Boston, MA, March 1978.

Scientific Expedition Leader, Earthwatch Field Team to Fire Island, NY, August 1977.

Field Trip Leader, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, Cape Cod, MA, April 1976.



Major Professor, Ph.D. Dissertation, K. Fallon, Rip Current Formation and Beach Safety Implications for Several US Atlantic Coast Beach Areas, 2017.

Committee Member, M.S. Thesis, E. Cook, Barrier Island Response to Sea Level Rise in North Carolina, 2013.

Committee Member, Ph.D. Dissertation, J. Czajkowski, Essays in Environmental Economic Valuation and Decision Making in the Presence of an Environmental Disaster, 2007.

Committee Member, Ph.D. Dissertation, W. Robertson, Analysis of Beach Dynamics Using Airborne LIDAR Technology, 2007.

Committee Member, M.S. Thesis in Civil and Environmental Engineering, C. Anderson, “Rainfall and Flooding Index for Tropical Storms and Hurricanes,” 2003.

Committee Member, M.S. Thesis in Geology, W. Robertson, “Applications of Airborne Laser Technology to Coastal Erosion Studies,” 2001.

Major Professor, Ph.D. Dissertation, F. Galgano, "Geomorphic Analysis of Shoreline Behavior and the Influence of Tidal Inlets on Coastal Configuration,” 1998.

Major Professor, Ph.D Dissertation, K. Zhang, “Twentieth Century Storm Activity and Sea Level Change along U.S. Atlantic Coast and Their Impact on Shoreline Positions,” 1998.

Major Professor, M.A. Thesis, J. Smith, “Coastal Erosion Anomaly Area on Jones Beach, New York,” 1998.

Major Professor, M.A. Thesis, M. Pajak, "Shoreline Indicators for Coastal Mapping," 1997.

Major Professor, M.A. Thesis, M. Beardslee, “Historic and Geomorphic Evolution of Cove Point, MD,” 1997.

Major Professor, M.S. Thesis, G. Lee, “Equilibrium Beach/Nearshore Profiles at Duck, NC,” 1993.

Major Professor, M.S. Thesis, L. Downs, "Erosion Rate and Sediment Budget Analysis of a Cliffed Shoreline, Chesapeake Bay, MD," 1993.

Major Professor, M.S. Thesis, R. Donham, "Coastal Evolution and Land Loss in Chesapeake Bay," 1992.

Co-Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation, M.C. Thomas, "SEM Analysis of Texture and Shape in Sand Grains," 1992.

Co-Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation, P. Morgan, "The Sediment Budget of Fire Island, New York," 1992.

Major Professor, Ph.D. Dissertation, G. Stone, "Geomorphology of Florida Barrier Systems," 1991.

Major Professor, M.S. Thesis, G. French, “Historical Shoreline Change Analysis of Delaware Bay, Delaware” 1990.

Major Professor, M.S. Thesis, F. Galgano, "Dynamics and Processes along the Delaware Coast," 1989.

Major Professor, M.S. Thesis, C. Gaunt, "Historical Shoreline Change Analysis of Cedar Island, Virginia," 1989.

Major Professor, M.S. Thesis, M. Zeigler, "Shoreface and Inner Shelf Stratigraphy of Southern New Jersey," 1987.

Major Professor, M.S. Thesis, K. Lacovara, "Geomorphic Evolution of Little Beach, New Jersey," 1987.

Major Professor, M.S. Thesis, H. Gehring, "Barrier Island Classification Schema," 1986.

Co-Supervisor, M. S. Theses, N. Evans, "Genesis of the Fire Island Foredunes," 1983.

Major Professor, M.S. Thesis, C. Johnson, "Historic and Geomorphic Evidence of Barrier Dynamics, South Shore of Long Island, New York," 1982.

Co-Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation, R. Zaremba, "The Role of Overwash Processes and Vegetation in the Landward Retreat of a Northern Barrier Beach," 1981.

Major Professor, M.S. Thesis, D. Joneja, "Dynamics of Fire Island, New York," 1981.



Florida Icon, Florida Trend Magazine, 2018

Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, 2018

FIU CASE Flame Award, 2018

FIU Ignite Gold Ribbon, 2018

FIU CASE Communication Award, 2017

FIU Ignite Spark Award, 2017

Who’s Who in America, 2017

Who’s Who in America, 2016.

Who’s Who in the World, Yearbook, 2015.

Russell Award—AAG Highest Award in Coastal & Marine Research, 2014.

Who’s Who in America, 2013.

Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 2011.

Who’s Who in America, 2010.

Ocean Warrior Award, Profiles in Sea Voices: Working Toward a Sea Change, Healy Publishing Company, San Clemente, California, 2010.

Who’s Who in the World, Yearbook, 2009.
Best in Class, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 2008.
Excellence in Faculty Scholarship, Florida International University, Miami, 2008. Who’s Who in America, Yearbook, 2008.
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, Yearbook, 2008.

Environmental Hero Award, The Climate Institute, Washington, DC, 2006.

Golden Key, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 2002

Research Professor Award, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 2000

40 People to Watch in South Florida, Miami Herald Newspaper, December 12, 1999

Research Professor Award, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 1999

Twenty-Five Outstanding Individuals at FIU, Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau, FL, October 1, 1997

Honored Faculty, Inaugural Alumni Hall of Fame Ball, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 1995

Presidential Citation for Scholarship, Colonade Society, University of Maryland, College Park, 1993

First Prize for Science, Ekofilm Festival, Czech Republic, for Vanishing Lands documentary film, 1993

Golden Azor for Vanishing Lands documentary film, 1993

Golden Eagle for Vanishing Lands documentary film by CINE, 1992

Finalist, John and Cynthia Mitchell International Prize for Global Change and Sustainability, Woodlands, TX, 1989

American Men and Women of Science, 1989

Dictionary of International Biography, 1987

Who's Who in the World, 1986-1987

Certificate for Outstanding Accomplishments, University of Maryland, College Park, April 10, 1985

Who's Who in Frontiers of Science and Technology, 1985

Men of Achievement, International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England, 1985

Who's Who in the East, 20th Edition, 1984-1985

Outstanding Young Men of America, 1984

Personalities of the South, 1983

Blue Key Honor Society for Excellence in Scholarship, Leadership and Service, N.C. State University, 1970

Golden Chain Honor Society of 12 Outstanding Seniors, N. C. State University, 1970

Texaco Scholarship, 1969-1970

Student Senator, N. C. State University, 1968-1970



“Vanishing Lands,” 1991, S. P. Leatherman, producer and on-screen host, winner of three international award, including the Golden Eagle (30-minute documentary film).

“Beach Rips: Dangerous Currents,” 2011, S. P. Leatherman, producer and on-screen host, 5-minute video funded by the National Weather Service, and YouTube.



University of Virginia

Boston University

University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Yale University

University of Maryland at College Park

Duke University Marine Laboratory

Florida International University



Chair, Fundraising Committee, Department of Earth & Environment, Florida International University, 2010-present.

Member, Search & Screen Committee, Business Director for Wall of Wind Facility, Florida International University, 2008.

Originator of Document and Chairperson of Committee, International Hurricane Research Building (BT-895), Florida International University, 2008-2009.

Member, Search & Screen Committee, Assistant Professor for Wind Engineering, Florida International University, 2007.

Member, Search & Screen Committee, Assistant Professor for Socioeconomic Research, Florida International University, 2007

Member, Search & Screen Committee, Vice President for Research, Florida International University, 2006.

Member, Search & Screen Committee, Assistant Professor in Wind Engineering, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Florida International University, 2006.

Member, Search & Screen Committee, Chair of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Florida International University, 2004.

Member, SURA (Southeast Universities Research Association), Coastal Research Committee, 2003-2007.

Member, Latin America and Caribbean Center (LACC), Florida International University, 1997-present.

Ambassador, United Way Campaign for International Hurricane Center, Florida International University, 1997-2005.

Member, University Committee on Environmental Research, Florida International University, 1998-1999.

Member, Professional Advisory Committee, Insurance Friends of the National Hurricane Center, 1997-2002.

Member, College Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of Maryland, 1995-1997. Member, Graduate Council, University of Maryland, 1993-1995.

Director of Graduate Studies, (1993-1994) and Chair of Graduate Committee, Department of Geography, University of Maryland, 1995-1997.

Member, College Academic Council, University of Maryland, 1991-1993.

Science Director and Co-Founder, Center for Global Change, University of Maryland, 1989-1997.

Member, Review Committee, Marine Sciences Program, University of Maryland, College Park, 1988-1989.

Member, Faculty Search Committees, Department of Geography, University of Maryland, 1985-1996.

Member, Partners of America International Program, University of Maryland, 1985-1990.

Director and Founder, Laboratory for Coastal Research, University of Maryland, 1985-1997.

Alternate Director for University of Maryland, Potomac River Basin Consortium, 1984-1992.

Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, Department of Geography, University of Maryland, 1981-1987.

Member, Marine Station Advisory Committee, The Graduate School, University of Massachusetts, 1979-1981.

Laboratory Director, National Park Service - University of Massachusetts Coastal Laboratory, Truro, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1977-1979.

May 2018